
(nextflipdebug5) #1


carDio mUscUlar release (cmr)

In 1997 I was massaging people in California and I found many would come to
me with scattered brains. I asked myself how to get rid of brain scatter, because my
brain would start resonating with their brains and it was just real irritating to work
on scatterbrained people. A month went by and while in bed one night I did a
three-step jumper-cable holding technique on myself. As soon as I did it, I realized
I had discovered what I was looking for—a technique to get rid of brain scatter I
called Cardio Muscular Release (CMR). CMR works on increasing the conscious
and vibratory connection between the heart and the sympathetic trunk running
either side of the spine on the neck and thorax. It is the only thing I have found to
get rid of brain scatter and to unlock the neck and shoulders from the inside out.
The heart is a hologram for the entire neuro-musculature of the body. CMR
is a neurological jumper-cable technique using the heart as a holographic key
to unlock the muscles of the neck and shoulders and to take the static off the
nervous system. It entrains and relaxes the heart, breathing, metabolism and brain,
unlocking the neuromuscular system from the inside out; as such it is way more
effective, profound and lasting than massage. CMR is a simple technique that
opens the neck/shoulders/heart and turns off the fight-or-flight and removes static
from the central nervous system so current/consciousness can flow with less friction
and greater efficiency.
CMR is very useful to move through any fear or resistance as our contraction
becomes tangibly felt and we progressively melt into a deeper sentient experience
of our existence. Car crash victims and others with PTSD will find this technique
invaluable for getting relief from an overactive sympathetic nervous system
(HPA axis). This technique can be self-administered and is useful for improving
concentration, to take the static off the nervous system, prior to meditation,
headaches, processing emotions, insomnia, and to relieve muscle pain and tension.
It can be used before or after any stressful event to enable us to transcend anxious
emotions and thoughts. When insomnia occurs CMR can be used to reduce fear,

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