
(nextflipdebug5) #1

pain and tension so that sleep naturally comes on. The effects are accumulative
over time and will permanently rewire the nervous system from more primitive
reptilian function toward a more spiritual and less reactive condition. Done as a
daily practice it is both preventative and restorative.
Because CMR acts on the nerves themselves it unlocks tension in the muscular-
skeletal system changing the chemistry of spasticity, and associated neurosis and
anxiety, even in the interior muscles right next to the bones. I suspect that as in
meditation, blood lactate levels in the muscles, which is associated with anxiety,
are reduced by CMR. The chemistry of flight or fight that remains locked in the
muscles in this age of stress, “when the lion just won’t go away,” is changed on a
fundamental level by the repolarization of the nerves of the heart and muscle. The
core of our tension is held in the deep skeletal muscles, but these deeper muscles do
not have pain nerves, so any pain that is felt is the result of spasm being transmitted
to the surface muscles. Once the cage of contraction is reduced with CMR greater
energy flow, feeling and awareness are experienced in the body. Tension is in effect
the body trying to hold the emotion of consciousness back from awareness. Thus
release of this tension works in the reverse to allow what was unconscious to be felt
consciously, allowing Presence to infiltrate the body.

The heart is divided into three sections: left-top=1, right-top=2, bottom=3.
There are three holding positions on the left side of the body then the three are
mirrored on the right side.

Position 1: The three middle fingers of the left hand are placed along side left of
the spine on the back of the neck; the right hand is placed on the left of the heart.
Hold 5 minutes breathing gently into the belly.

Position 2: The head is turned to the right, and the right hand reaches behind the
neck and holds the left neck at the point where the sternocloidomastoid muscles
joins the skull just under the left ear. Left hand is on the right-side of the heart at
the middle of the chest. Hold 5 minutes, continuing to belly breathe.

Position 3: The left hand reaches up over the shoulder and down the back and the
fingers poke into the muscles alongside the spine between the scapulars. The right
hand is on the bottom of the heart. Hold 5 minutes, deep breathing; slide left hand
slowly up the back over the course of the 5 minutes.
Repeat in mirror fashion on the other side of the body. Note all positions must
be held for a full release to occur, otherwise one will still feel some disconnection
and static. The key is to remain present and sensitive throughout the process. If
you feel you need longer than a half hour practice either hold each position longer,
or cycle a second time round. Meditation and toning done along with CMR offers
a synergistic effect.

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