
(nextflipdebug5) #1

“To not be identified with our egoity is not about existing in some impersonal state
bereft of idiosyncrasy and individuality, but rather is about being present both as our
unique somebody-ness and as self-transcending Being. Even at the same time. The
point is not to negate or minimize our selfhood - which is less a noun than a verb
(selfing) - but to permit it such rich transparency relative to our fundamental nature
that it cannot help but colorfully and fittingly represent us, however superficially.
However, when we let “I” do the driving, we usually end up wandering like hungry
ghosts through the I-gotta-be-me malls of distorted or overfed desire, shopping until
we’re broke, sated, or diverted elsewhere. Even so, it’s crucial to not prematurely
cease such wanderings. It’s so easy - as when we are in the spineless throes of spiritual
correctness - to make an ideal out of being “good” or “spiritual” and a villain or
scapegoat out of our darker impulses. To transcend yourself, be yourself.” – Robert
Augustus Masters, Darkness Shining Wild, p. 179

We can endure anything if there is a goal and a reason. This belief in a larger
purpose is the most important factor in people keeping it together under crisis. In
the dissolution of the ego, bliss too is sensed as a kind of hell. Kundalini awakenings
are the burning away of the pain-body and the creation of a new template. What we
do with that template constitutes our spiritual attainment or not. With kundalini
we get a second birth, a second chance. But without skillful means, we could very
well just create another pain-body in replace of the old.
During the flux of kundalini the Presence (witness) rises up and the little
ego would like to pop in and give running commentary, explanations and inane
musings. And we notice the drop in energy as we put on the conditioned self ’s
cloak for a sentence or two, just to see if our old self is still there, and we feel
the loss of the Beloved that we are, when we stoop down that way. We can’t get
rid of thought, getting rid of thought is not what is called for. It’s becoming an
observer of one’s thought, master of one’s thought, and pointing one’s thought
in a larger direction than self-defense and ego-survival that is really the key to
spiritual attainment.
The spiritual gains of equanimity, detachment and disidentification resulting
from a kundalini awakening, comes about through years of being strung all over
the emotional map, having ones archetypal images and psychic material blown
up billboard size and in ones face. By having our interiors so radically heightened
and exposed and having to live intimately with our projections, obsessions and
demons. After about 3 years of this, when the chemistry starts backing off, the
suspicious, mythic, grasping bodymind is clearly transparent to us.
Repetitive or overwhelming circumstances and conditions create cumulative
resonance that increases in magnitude until the entire organism is in sympathetic
resonance and the barriers to unity are penetrated so to speak. The increased charge
and particular frequency of neural firing opens up unique neural thresholds in
crucial parts of the brain. As the contagion of kundalini builds it pulls all bodymind
systems into its service.
Sympathetic resonance of oscillating systems is something that occurs in the
higher energy states...the EMF of the heart must pull the other organs into phase

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