
(nextflipdebug5) #1

PsYcHosPacial meDitation

If one focuses the Mind’s-Eye:

  1. clarity—occurs as a single-point in front of the two eyes.

  2. maturity—is at the top of the forehead.

  3. serenity—is at the temporal lobes above the ears.

  4. Joy—is found by focusing the mind’s-eye at the nostrils and following the
    breath there.

  5. Happiness—(the absence of closure and sadness) is found by focusing at
    the crown of the head and this lifts sadness in the lungs/throat/diaphragm.
    I found that once I had cycled through the various focus points a couple
    of times I could do clarity, maturity, serenity and joy all at the same time;
    this then translates as peace. After running through the full sequence then a
    painful knot of “need” is felt in the solar plexus.

  6. nondual peace—This knot in the solar plexus (hole of non-being) is then
    dissolved by focusing the mind’s-eye on the brainstem and filling it with love.
    The knot of need/control in the solar plexus is accessed and dissolved by first
    passing through clarity/maturity/serenity/joy/happiness and then finally this
    control-knot is “touched” and healed through the “brainstem.” So perhaps final
    letting go of our unenlightenment is done in this way. When we are talking of
    resistance, division, judging, distancing etc... we are probably talking about the
    “need to control.” So this is the tension that prevents Unity Consciousness and
    at-one-ment with our environment.
    Interestingly the knot of pain in the solar plexus was not observable until I had
    done all the other focus points and past through the “portals” so to speak. However
    this knot must have subliminally always been there as a permanent ongoing pain.
    I theorize that if one clears the larger-noisier emotions out the way, the finer more
    nuanced emotions can be felt and one’s inner life should be deepened and refined,
    becoming ever more precise in communicating subtle emotional resonances. Asnd
    as we descend into the depths of our being we touch ever more causal layers of our
    function, which have more profound and far reaching effects on our well-being.

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