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Neuroemotional Reprogramming

Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER) is allowing, resetting and fine tuning
the body’s vibrational resonance, in order to grow the neurochemistry and neurons
(dendrites) for the Universal bodymind. NER enhances the embodiment or
incarnation of transcendental spiritual qualities/states such as peace, empowerment,
worthiness, gratitude, trust, faith, reverence and equanimity. In the stepped down
nature of our daily lives we often do not get to experience the conditions needed to
spontaneously generate these higher vibrational states. Therefore we need a “daily
practice” whereby our bodymind becomes trained and accustomed to generating
these frequencies. With this meditative therapy not only do we make up for the
absence of emotional and spiritual nourishment during our developmental years,
but after our NER conditioning is stabilized to higher emotional resonance, we
find that our lives change in direct correspondence to the new resonant frequencies
we embody. We thus radiate higher spiritual dominion both in our own behavior,
thought, attractiveness, and in our energetic influence over the behavior and
responses of others that come in contact with us.
So few of us were given a sense of self-worth and spiritual validation as
a child that we live with a subliminal wrenching wound which we try and fill
up by many different inferior tactics. NER takes us directly to Ground Zero,
where we can be “organically receptive” to reconstruction into a higher estate.
We stop fidgeting with our wound and open to the dominion of the Christ/
Buddha within. Neuroemotional reprogramming is simply addressing the void
in our socioemotional make up and building up our neurological structures to
facilitate a deeper more meaningful life. Through transcendental training via
NER we grow the neuro-anatomy or esoteric anatomy for increasingly “universal
boundaries.” Thus we take on more of a species or global Being, and waste far
less energy indulging in, enforcing and defending our smallness. Modern man
doesn’t know it yet, but emotional development is the key to enlightened life and
to enlightenment, because that is where we are most lacking.

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