
(nextflipdebug5) #1

We cannot expect to find, nor will we be given our higher spiritual qualities
from the outside world. We must look within for the qualities of Clarity, Maturity,
Serenity, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Empowerment, Worthiness, Gratitude, Faith,
Trust, Reverence and Equanimity. These are aspects of the “Absolute” that we
are attempting to integrate, they are not “Relative” or related to the conditioned
worldly realm. These “inner qualities” cannot be derived by external means. If
we do not find these qualities by internal means then the social world will seem
indeed to be constantly undermining us, because we are expecting it to give us
these qualities, and of course it never will...humanity has not yet reached the point
of social reinforcement of Divinity as a daily occurrence.
If we did not grow up in ideal social conditions we have to grow the wiring for
these Universal value qualities. If as a baby we were not given a sense of welcome,
worth and value our spirit shied away from incarnating. Without biological self-
worth we have no biological trust, and without trust we cannot establish biological
faith. Without biological faith we cannot maintain a sustained sense of unity with
all creation or God—with this emotional reprogramming method we find the
void and invite in healing Presence. In the externalized, usury world of material
capitalism that exemplifies our current era, chances are our parents didn’t even have
the self-esteem or deep spiritual value qualities to give to us. So we cannot really
blame them for not giving us that which they did not even have for themselves. It
is after all the pain of this Self betrayal that propels us forth on the hero’s journey
of Self discovery. Thus humanity proceeds in awakening both from that love which
it receives which gives us strength and encouragement and from that which it still
lacks which drives our journey toward health and wholeness.

ner Practice

Empowerment, dropping of the painbody and peace are a self-esteem
phenomena. It is in the embodiment of biological self-esteem that our true self
worth lies. Dropping of the bodymind is synonymous with “receptivity” and
this in turn is synonymous with “worthiness.” Essentially this is done by being at
Absolute Peace (Ground Zero) long and deep enough to let the life within us flow
and grow. Affirming ourselves we green light our bodymind beyond the need for
armoring ourselves against the sense of unworthiness.

  • Worthiness—Make a J around the heart with your hands by putting the left
    hand at the top of your heart with fingers resting on the clavicle and the right hand
    at the bottom of the heart under the breast, with thumb extended up between the
    breasts. Hold this position while breathing worthiness in through the heart and
    out into the solar plexus. Since worthiness is primary to NER there is two holding
    positions, the second involves keeping one hand on the right side of the heart, while
    the other hand is moved down onto the spleen at the bottom of the left ribcage...
    continue the same worthiness breathing down into the spleen area. Worthiness-
    receptivity gives one the correct stance (Kokoro-gamae) to be empowered to act in
    ways that build self-esteem. “Worthiness” represents a cellular level of receptivity
    to life (a biological YES) without which we cannot fully incarnate, nor can we
    maintain a strong immune system, good health or Self-actualize.

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