
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Psychosomatic Release

An advanced decontraction journey for dropping the painbody
By the mind’s eye I mean the kinesthetic felt-sense and directional focus of the
brain. This feels like a connection between the third eye region and the brainstem
through which you can “point” your consciousness. While directing the mind’s
eye, the closed eyes point in the direction you are focusing on. Thus you can
even look out through the back of the eyeballs and down into the brainstem,
or in any other direction of focused intent. Following is the full version of the
Psychosomatic Release, however as a shorter daily practice you might simply track
the blockages through the neck-shoulders and torso, then the thyroid, jaw and
pulling the tension out of the head via dropping the tongue into the belly. You can
turn on your anti-stress, parasympathetic nervous system any time during the day
by dropping your tongue into your belly and deep breathing.

Lying on the back:

  1. Feel the most prominent area of holding in the body—perhaps it is the right
    neck and shoulder. Put your hands on this area and focus your mind’s eye
    into it. Go deeper into the felt-sense of the area melting it with the power
    of your mind’s eye. Dropping into an infinite void and then dropping some
    more, bringing the mind’s eye back to the spot if you drift off for a while.
    Progressively dropping consciousness into an area will repolarize the nerves,
    relax the muscles and bring new life and blood to an area, essentially making
    it more conscious. You can readily feel the shift in “charge” when the body
    reclaims an area and it starts to let go. The contracted body part will not let
    go of its accord unless it is made conscious through focused awareness. Use
    whatever visualizations you need such as imagining melting butter or seeing
    gentle waves lapping the sand to melt into an area.

  2. Shift focus of the melting onto the next area of holding such as the liver by
    putting one hand on the right side of the heart and other on the liver. After
    that the next areas of holding might be the solar plexus and then the bottom
    of the belly. Progressively melt each area as it arises in awareness with
    breath, the mind’s eye, visualizations and your hands.

  3. Once you are done with the side of the body with the most apparent
    holding move over to the other side and run through areas moving down
    the body eg: the left neck and shoulder, then down into the spleen, solar
    plexus and belly.

Lying on the side:

  1. Hold the sternocleidomastoid area under the ear on the side that is down
    and the clavicle of the topside gently pushing the clavicle down
    toward the feet.

  2. Push the top of the lungs by pressing down under the clavicles and
    hold to melt.

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