
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Hold to melt the jaw on the bottom side while working the scapula topside.

  2. Thumb push slowly up ridge of shoulder girdle.

On back Again:

  1. Place hands lightly on/over the thyroid at the front of the neck and melt
    this area with the mind’s eye, drop your tongue progressively releasing
    tension as you do this.

  2. Tap the thymus gland which lies under the sternum for a few minutes with
    your fingertips to stimulate the immune system.

  3. With the body released you might find that pressure/pain in the head is
    felt—drop the tongue into the belly drawing down the brain...continue to
    pull the brain down into the belly by the tongue for at least 5 minutes until
    head pressure is released.

  4. Cup the bottom of the ribcage with the fingers and push ribs into the
    diaphragm...breath into the pressure for about 5-10 breaths.

  5. Reach under the mid back and press fingers into and melt the adrenals
    and then the lower back, moving down to work into the sacrum. Melt any
    tension, holding in these areas with the mind’s eye, warmth, breathing and
    visualization...progressively bringing the whole bodymind into the void till
    it is free of static charge and holding.

oPeninG tHe moUtH oF GoD

The “Mouth of God” or the “Bindu” Center can be assisted to open to the
spiritual inspiration of the “Flute of the Gods,” the cosmic mantra or logos. This
area, known as the Jade Pillow by the Chinese, lies at the base of the skull above
the first cervical (neck) vertebra. It is part of a pump that draws spinal fluid and
chi energy upwards. While lying your the the back of the neck, in the
dip where the spine meets the cranium place the tips of your three middle fingers
and with the other hand press the third eye region—while toning Huuu with
the mouth slightly open for more resonance...and meditating by pulling energy
up the spine. Amplify the effect by adding the inner smile to assist in opening
the Mouth of God—tdo this by smiling and extending the energy-sense of the
smile up into the jaw and past the ears around to the Mouth of God. It helps to
wiggle your ears while you are doing this. This is the fastest way yet I have found
to work on detoxifying and integrating this region, allowing a more perfect flow
of ecstatic energy into and through the brain. It might help those with kundalini
symptoms that seem to be blocked in the neck region and for those who have
excessive ongoing energy in the brain.

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