
(nextflipdebug5) #1

tHe Pot oF GolD
Pot of Gold is the pinnacle of the Inner Arts. The other practices involved
developing the skills and nerve pathways to get to a significant Pot of Gold.
Simply what Pot of Gold does is turn off the sympathetic activation and removes
recriminations and worry-mind; it quickly stops all “egoic mind chatter” and
generates Presence. Building up and tuning into the parasympathetic nervous
system, if your sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive this may be a way
to balance the panic and hyper states of kundalini and stress in general. It can
also be used on any and all social and psychological issues, and to set the vibe to
blissful equanimity prior to making decisions. Not only can Pot of Gold be used
to alleviate depression and insomnia, it can also be used to enhance creativity. The
amrita chemicals produced in the brain during this process increase visual acuity
and transcendental vision.
The Pot of Gold is a simple method of generating ecstasy, peace and equanimity.
You lie on your back on the floor or bed, like the NER worthiness position make
a J with your hands around the right side of the heart—cupping your clavicle
with your left hand, and the right hand under the left-breast with the thumb
pointing between the beasts. Turn your head to the right, drop the tongue down
into the belly, do the “inner-smile,” focus the mind’s eye on the brainstem and
silently repeat the word “peace” with your gentle belly breathing. You can tone
also, but beginners may find this extra element hard to include with so much to
focus consciousness on. The more you generate a huge charge of peace-ecstasy
(equanimity) with this technique the more you change your nervous system away
from sympathetic activation of defense circuits, which generate nerve-static, high
blood pressure and reactionary behavior.
By doing the Pot of Gold you can balance the hemispheres and sides of the
body, and as the light of amrita is produced in the brain the Light of Life is seen
through the eyes, and the pupils are dilated as if on cannaboids. Pupil dilation
occurs because of vagus parasympathetic activation, but also because the brain
is producing tryptamines, opiates and endocannaboid and other chemicals that
facilitate relaxation and bliss. This divine harmony of reception to the fire of life
occurs through a perfect interplay or marriage of the sexes, hemispheres, poles and
Jesus said unless you become both the fire and the water you cannot enter
the kingdom of heaven. The lower tan tien is represented as water and the heart
as fire...the fire must be merged with the water to copulate in stable equilibrium
in order to build the steam for spiritual evolution. In Taoist understanding, if
the outer sun and moon do not mingle their lights, the inner water and fire do
not “copulate” and prenatal true vitality cannot manifest. That is the elixir of
enlightenment is manufactured by the harmonious play of the sexes, poles, charges
and hemispheres.
“Yin and Yang. NOT balance, Harmonic. Balance is momentary stasis at best,
Harmony is dynamic, and yet both occur as a third plus element obtains.” Garwin

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