
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Enforced Spasm: Then lie flat on your back, holding the muscles of the
    small of the back, either side of the spine with the fingers splade out. After
    a minute these muscles will spasm after having been over extended in the
    pose position. Press into the spasm with fingers and breathe into the belly
    until it subsides. The more one does the exercise the less spasms will occur.
    If spasms are too much to handle, lift knees to relax spine and press into
    spasms with fists.

  2. Integration: To finish roll back and forth to loosen up spine again.
    This technique provides a gentle cathartic release of the charge from the muscles.
    The discharge is interesting its like a rolling wave of energy-emotion coming from
    the diaphragm, often associated with a contemporary thought of sadness or self
    pity, however the thought is only what the psyche is using as a vehicle for the
    discharge to happen. The charge comes from the diaphragm, through the throat
    and exits the head. The more this is done, the more the diaphragm and psoas
    muscle is released and this straightens the spine and softens the belly allowing full
    The PRP releases chronic contraction in the lumbar muscles...the innermost
    layer of these being the psoas. This contraction and release allows more space inside,
    and more conductivity through the pelvis and into the legs, better grounding and
    more connection between the top half and the lower half of the body. Both the
    psoas and the diaphragm have origin points at the 12th thorasic vertibrae. By
    removing chronic internal holding it frees up the region of the Gate of Life at the
    12th Thorasic, allowing for healthier function of the adrenal glands and kidneys.
    Regular practice of this pose lowers the stress threshold and reduces the propensity
    to emotional triggering and cortisol production.
    This pose is excellent for emotional release and “getting stuff to the surface.”
    So we could call this pose the upside-down insight-out pose. Some people call it
    the upsidedown foetus.

This pose is ideal for contemplating one’s “Fundamental
Doubt” over whether the Universe is indeed supportive of

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