
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Conscious Embodiment Practice

Mitochondria and our other cells are just as sensitive to emotion, thought
and sense of being as the immune system. Incarnation is one of the hardest tasks
imposed on us, the instinct is to back away from the edge of our incarnation.
We tend to hang out halfway here on planet earth, not sure if we want to stay
or go. To the degree that we do this, our immune system and mitochondria are
If you turn your feeling-sense, emotion and thought toward coming forth
in “good faith” to the n’th degree without hesitation or doubt, then you will
automatically increase both the strength and the number of mitochondria and
immune cells. I am proposing conscious and fully intentional incarnation, as a form
of mindfulness meditation along with breath. Embodiment practice or purposeful
incarnation is rather like Clark Kent’s time in a phone booth when he changes into
Superman. We transform not so much through visualization or affirmation, but
by allowing and letting the Essence of our soul permeate our being. When you
do this you can actually feel your cells respond positively, as though our normal
operating mode is one of self-negating suppression.
The head-brain, the heart-brain and the stomach-brain fall into sync as spirit
as it pours through the body...the knot of control in the belly is released and we
transcend the fear of the unknown and come home to Presence. Then we see the
suffering of the separate-self-sense is an illusion. The background fear, resistance,
holding and avoidance can be worked out of the system through raw diet, green
food, exercise, nature, exodus from cities, exhaustive use of the body, social
connection, music-drumming-dance, meditation, communion with the planet
and Kosmos etc... This “separation” is organic programming that must be worked
“out” on a cellular level.
Once we have dealt with this organic fear, then existential conceptual fear
reduces and we no longer fear for our fate, the fate of our family or planet. After
kundalini, with the melting of the body armor, the bodymind is restructured and
the perceptual filters of fear are dissolved. Kundalini changes the chemistry over to
a background of love and cosmic may still have the question of
“what to do?” but it becomes more of a case of whatever we do is ok. The fear that
we are doing wrong—is the fear that we do not love enough—this is symptomatic
of the division between body, mind and soul, and perhaps the frustration of being
unable to live our highest subtle awareness in this ‘stepped down world.” Like
we are stuck in between, waiting for reality to catch up to us or us to catch up to
reality and all our visions and love is laid to waste, in this wasteland of commercial
With conscious embodiment practice we take on full responsibility to change
our world according to our contemporary values, without feeling like a victim to
current social conditions. Thus a Cosmic “Yes” arises deep within every cell that
affirms its existence and we gain the cooperation of all aspects of our being in
furthering a directive that arises from deep within.

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