
(nextflipdebug5) #1

DHEA. Raw food might operate in a similar fashion to calorie restriction, because
raw food does not kick in the activation of white blood cells (leukocyctosis) of
the immune system in the GI tract. Thus a life of raw food and the consequent
reduction in body temperature via reduction of the inflammatory immune
response, contributes to longevity.
Reducing calorie intake was the only reliable method found to repair DNA.
With an excess of food the increase in oxidation to the mitochondria reduces ATP
production which impairs cell efficiency and promotes aging. Also mitochondrial
DNA lacks the protective protein shield that prevents DNA damage—this is known
as the Mitochondrial Theory of Aging. With a combination of fewer calories plus
higher nutrient density, it is easier for the body to run through all its cycles with
greater efficiency. If we start up the digestive process several times a day, every day
of our lives, then the body doesn’t have “time” for cleansing/repair/regeneration.
So organs congest, plaques are laid, enzyme systems get exhausted, and metabolism
and DNA repair is interfered with.
If we load our system with food day after day, then our body is so preoccupied
with digestion/elimination that it doesn’t have the energy, enzymes and immunity
for higher functions such as building the “spiritual body,” and for higher thinking,
psychic and visionary capacities. Such unceasing digestion therefore reduces the
amount of light/love flow through the tissues. We become largely a “digestive”
animal, with little contact with our psychic, subtle and spiritual life. The spiritual
benefits of fasting and the calorie restriction diet arise because conductivity of
nerve energy and biophoton coherency goes up. Cell membrane fluidity increases
because the cells are no longer coated with junk increasing the availability of
receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters. The cells are better “informed”
so metabolism improves and they can detoxify themselves properly so there are
less stored poisons. This means that metabolism in general can occur at optimum
efficiency thus increasing the conductivity of the Light of spiritual Presence.
In considering the need for maximum nutrition with minimal digestion, it
becomes apparent that recreational eating is counterproductive and will set us back
spiritually and energetically. In the philosophy of the calorie restriction system,
we need to refine our diet so that we are only eating the most vital, nutritious
food, specific to the real needs of our body. This system is focused foremost on
efficiency, and thereby getting the digestive process “out of the way” so that higher
life processes and experiences can be explored unencumbered.
Calorie restriction is not undertaken in a deprivational fashion, but simply
through a hypersensitivity to reality, i.e.: Love! The more perfect the flow of
light/love through our tissues, the more spiritual-intuition and intelligence we
embody, and the more awareness we can apply to “including and transcending”
our digestive function. We tend to use food for self-repression without even
knowing it. When we stop doing this we quickly become reacquainted with all
our repressed urges and unease: loneliness, horniness, sadness, confusion and other
uncomfortable emotions. The calorie restriction diet should enable us to plum the
depths of our incarnation in a geometrically accelerating fashion without holding
ourselves back.

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