
(nextflipdebug5) #1

IP6 is an efficient mineral chelator and therefore should be taken only on an empty
stomach (1 to 6 X 500 mg capsules per day for 1-2 months with water). You can
also add rice bran itself into your daily diet. super sprinkle: Get some raw rice
bran and wheatgerm from a reputable source that you can tell has been refrigerated
and is still fresh, and mix these together with fresh ground flaxseed and keep in the can use this as a sprinkle over your food or in smoothies etc... They are
tastier together than by themselves. (See more on rice bran in the Herb List).
Note that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases iron assimilation, while
bioflavonoids such as quercetin protect against the negative effects of insurgent
iron in the system. When supplemental Vitamin C is taken along with iron
enriched foods, the iron can cause the oxidation of the Vitamin C, forming
dehydroascorbic acid, a free radical pro-oxidant that is dangerous to neurons.
Vitamin C combined with vitamin E, work together synergistically to reduce
lipid peroxidation in the brain. CoQ10 and niacinimide (B3) also work together
to protect against mitochondrial toxicity from heavy metals. Alpha Lipoic Acid
(ALA) and Dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) is capable of regenerating the Vitamin
C molecule, which along with Tumeric can provide the broadest spectrum of
antioxidant neuron protection. Salicin from White Willow bark increases the
production of ferritin, an iron-binding protein that prevents iron from inducing
free radical oxidation. Ferritin is the form in which iron is stored in the liver and
other tissues. Use calcium buffered Vitamin C as heavy metals acidify the body
so it draws calcium from the bones to help restore the proper blood pH. Further,
toxic metals set up conditions that lead to inflammation in arterial walls and tissues,
causing more calcium to be drawn to the area as a buffer.
chelation Foods that remove heavy metals include: Ashitaba, Green tea,
Cilantro and Parsley, Nettle, Ginkgo, Aloe gel, Olive leaf, Water melon juice,
Banana stem juice, juice of whole pumpkin with skin and seeds, and sulfur foods
and supplements. chelation supplements that help remove heavy metals include:
Folic acid, Selenium & Vitamin E, Silicon, Pycnogenol, Quercetin, N-acetyl
cysteine, L-Carnosine, Vitamin C and Magnesium. Kelp contains a powerful
chelating agent called Mannitol. (See Dirt~The Elixir of Life for information on
using humic acids to remove heavy metals.) Spirulina or chlorella are needed to
bind up the liberated mercury and carry it out of the body.
Medically chelation is done to reduce calcium plaques on arterial walls using
a synthetic amino acid, eDta (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid). Oral chelation
works best through the synergistic effect of combining EDTA with numerous natural
chelating agents, such as activated Clays (Zeolite and Fulvic acid), bioflavonoids,
Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chlorella, Cilantro, Hawthorn berry, Cayenne,
CoQ10, Garlic, Grapeseed extract, L-cysteine, L-glutathione, Vitamin B’s and
E, Methionine, Lysine, Proline, L-taurine, Selenium, Sodium alginate, and Zinc
gluconate. L-lysine is an amino acid involved in the structural repair of damaged
blood vessels. It has a beneficial effect on lead toxicity and high blood pressure.
Plant-based enzymes (bromelain, lipase, catalase) to ensure optimal utilization of
all of the above nutrients.

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