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tHe eniGma oF Vitamin c

Due to a genetic mutation, humans and other higher apes do not manufacture
Vitamin C. The mutation has not been lethal because vitamin C is abundant in
their food sources. Most simians consume vitamin C in amounts 10 to 20 times
higher than the RDA. Prior to the mutation Vitamin C was a hormone produced
in the liver, while in reptiles and birds it is produced in the kidneys. Bill Sardi in
The New Truth About Vitamins and Minerals says that a 160 lb mountain goat
makes about 13 grams of Vitamin C a day, and more when under stress. Vitamin
C is an anti-stress vitamin and our need for it varies with our level of physical or
emotional stress. Stress causes the adrenal glands to signal the release of sugars
and fats into the blood stream to prepare for a response to danger. In most other
animals but apes, fruit bats and guinea pigs these sugars are converted to Vitamin
C in the liver. Sardi suggests that if humans also manufactured Vitamin C, we
would be immune to degenerative disease and our lifespan would be more like
144-216 years.
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is available in many forms, and according to Linus
Pauling none is more effective than another, and natural and synthetic L-ascorbic
acid are chemically identical. However, one needs to balance the Vitamin C intake
with up to 70% Bioflavonoids, to increase assimilation, utilization and prolong the
Vitamin C’s effects. Mineral salts of ascorbic acid (Sodium ascorbate and Calcium
ascorbate, Magnesium ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate) are buffered and therefore,
less acidic to the stomach than ascorbic acid. Vitamin C plays an important role in the
synthesis of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Like dopamine, norepinephrine
has a stimulating effect, fosters alertness, and plays an important regulatory role in
long-term memory and learning. It also protects endorphins from being broken
down prematurely, which might elevate mood. It is required for the synthesis of
carnitine, needed for the transport of fat into mitochondria, for conversion to
energy. Vitamin C is also needed for collagen, bile, as an antioxidant, antimutagenic
and for the regeneration of other antioxidants. It may also protect from lead
poisoning by inhibiting intestinal absorption or enhancing urinary excretion
of lead.
During a kundalini awakening it might be good to supplement with Vitamin
C up to 4-8g per day. When taking vitamin C tablets avoid the chewable type or
you will lose tooth enamel. As a general rule the hotter the kundalini heat we are
experiencing the more we need to increase our antioxidant intake and the more
careful we have to be to not include cooked carbohydrates or transfats in our diet.

camu camu fruit contains the highest documented quantity of natural vitamin C
on earth—Camu Camu’s vitamin C content has been recorded at 500,000 ppm.
Compare that to orange which provides 500 to 4,000 ppm (parts per million) of
vitamin C, or Acerola which provides up to 172,000 ppm.

amla (amalaki), the Indian gooseberry, is one of the fruits in the most widely
used Ayurvedic herbal formula – Triphala. It is considered a general panacea for
almost all imbalances and described as containing 20 times the amount of vitamin

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