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C to be found in an orange. The fruit contained 482.14 units of superoxide
dismutase/g fresh weight. As one of the highest vitamin C sources in nature,
amla fruit is antiaging, antidiabetic and immune enhancing. The powder of the
dried amla fruit is an effective remedy of hyperacidity, ulcers, blood cleansing,
inhibits platelets aggregation, lowers cholesterol levels. Amla is a longevity tonic,
which stops premature graying or hair-loss, encourages nail and hair growth, and
improves eyesight.

rose Hips (Rugosas)—Rose Hips are a valuable source of vitamin C, like Amla
they contain as much as 20 times more vitamin C than oranges. Freshly ripe hips
can contain nearly 10% ascorbic acid; while overripe hips are sweet, but have lost
much of their vitamin C. Rose hips are also full of bioflavonoids, associated with
fruit pigment that increase the absorption and biological effectiveness of vitamin C.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in rosehips could provide new
ways of tackling a whole range of inflammatory diseases, including osteoporosis,
arthritis, Crohn’s disease and even heart disease. Rosehips have been used as a
traditional medicine to treat arthritis, colds and flu, bladder stones, dry skin and
premature ageing. Rose Hip Oil increases cell growth in the region of wounds and
effectively helps in removing scars and wrinkles, in preventing advancement of
premature aging. Trans-Retinoic acid, derivative of Retinol (Vitamin A) was the
component responsible for the remarkable pharmacological properties of Rose Hip

moringa oleifera—The dried and powdered leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree
provide 7x the vitamin C of oranges. Be aware that the skins and seeds/kernels of
plants contain the most amount of antioxidants...for example mango peel and
kernel has antioxidant levels that are 20-40 times higher than the flesh itself. One
study showed that pomegranate peel gave the maximum antioxidant activity due
to the presence of its high polyphenolic content. At a concentration of 60 ppm
pomegranate peel powder reduced fat oxidation by 65% in an in vitro assay.

How to Live Longer And Feel Better by Linus Pauling


Studies on resveratrol, found that this enzyme from the skins of red grapes,
activated the longevity gene (SIRT1) more than other substances. In rat studies
Dr. David Sinclair, at Harvard Medical School, found resveratrol switched on an
array of genes, which are also activated by calorie restriction, thus it is believed to
mimic the effects of a low calorie diet without actually reducing food consumption.
Resveratrol therefore mimics calorie restriction longevity effects! Resveratrol is
reputed to have anti-cancer, anti-mutagen, antifungal, antiviral, neuroprotective,
anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects.
Resveratrol is a phytoalexin—a class of antibiotic compounds produced as a
part of a plant’s defense system against fungi. It is found in widely varying amounts
in grapes, primarily the skins of Vitis vinifera, labrusca, and is particularly high in
muscadine grapes and seeds. The muscadine grape is native to the southeastern

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