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A study in rats showed that resveratrol is absorbed in the gut and has a high
affinity for the heart and liver. Critics say that most of the resveratrol is broken down
in the digestive system, but antiaging scientists say that reservatrol works better in
low concentrations anyway. Quercetin, a companion antioxidant to resveratrol in
red wine protects it from being broken down in the liver and significantly improves
the bioavailability of resveratrol. In fact the other antioxidants “quercetin and
epicatechin,” also found in red wine may be even more effective than resveratrol.
Quercitin is found in highest amounts in onions, apples, berries, green tea, grapes,
red wine, chamomile, pollen, olives, fenugreek, lettuce and ginkgo.
Resveratrol is also found in raspberries, mulberries, plums, peanuts, including
blueberries, bilberries, and cranberries, some pines, such as Scots pine and eastern
white pine, eucalyptus, spruce, yucca root and lily. Remember that antioxidant
substances are in highest concentrations in the skins and seeds of plants. Resveratrol
is commercially harvested from the roots and stalks of Polygonum cuspidatum
(Japanese knotweed) otherwise known as Hu zhang in China where it is used to
treat arterial endothelial damage. He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) or Fo-ti
is a relative of Hu zhang with similar antioxidant properties, taken for vitality and
virility. The knotweeds should not be taken by people with kidney stones because
they contain oxalic acid. Resveratrol oxidizes easily and so most supplements other
than wine itself will not be bioactive, except the supplement produced by Bill Sardi
under the “Lonevinex” brand that uses special processing conditions.
I think the message to take home is to not be so squeamish about drinking wine,
and to have some sense that if you drink the right kind of wine, in moderation,
there may be some longevity benefits to proven by the Sardinians. —“Stabilized” supplement of resveratrol,—Bill Sardi —Highest concentration of resveratrol —Muscadine Wineries —Purple Power - Muscadine Grape Skin Powder

acai Berries

So we have got the grape down, but apparently the acai berry rules the
phytochemical world, with even more potent in phytochemicals than grape is the
acai berry (Euterpe oleracea). This dark purple Amazonian palm berry boasts the
highest known ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) antioxidant value
ever reported for any fruit or vegetable to date. The acai palm grows in the rain
forests of Brazil and the Amazon. The fruit is harvested in the wild by local farmers
and then quickly frozen to preserve its nutritional value, for the high fat content
of Acai berries makes them go rancid within a day of being picked. Buy as freeze-
dried pulp and skin powder or frozen Acai berry pulp for smoothies.
The acai berry contains 7.59% protein and 44% fiber, as well as healthy
omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. Nearly 1/3 of the Acai berry is fat - with 74% of
that being essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. There are also
many other vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, E, and C, minerals such as Phosphorus,

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