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inFlammation tHeorY oF aGinG

The Inflammation Theory of Aging and Disease reveals the role of cellular
inflammation in disease and degeneration of tissue. Inflammation is a consequence
of the accumulation of toxins in the body, and it is a biological response to harmful
stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. The over production of
three hormones: Cortisol, Insulin and Pro-Inflammatory Eicosanoids contribute
to low-level chronic inflammation. This global inflammation characteristic of
the aging process, is associated with the reduced capacity to cope with immune
stressors, a weakening of related enzymes systems, and progressive increase in
pro-inflammation. This phenomenon is thought to be provoked by decades of
continuous antigenic load and stress. Silent inflammation not only accelerates
aging, but also contributes to unwanted weight gain. Reduce silent inflammation
and the immune system gets a lot happier. And when the immune system is
“happy,” that is not on hyper-alert and overworked, then a sense of wholeness and
well being is achieved. The sense of cellular metabolic mastery reduces cravings,
compulsion, addiction and compensatory self-destructive behaviors, because the
body knows itself to no longer be under constant “threat.”
Contributors to low level chronic inflammation include smoking, alcohol,
fatty foods, refined carbs and sugars, pollution, pharmaceutical by-products,
lack of exercise and stress. Modern man is becoming increasingly “denatured”
due to heavy metal poisoning, oxidation and inflammation, because of a cooked
diet, mineral deficiency and phytochemical deprivation. Which then creates the
degenerate symptoms of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, ADD and all manner
of metabolic, mental, social and political breakdown. Research has found that
inflammation leads to insulin resistance while excess insulin leads to inflammation.
The way that we reduce silent inflammation is by removing toxins from our cells
and building the reserves of nutrients that fight free radicals. This is achieved by a
diet rich in raw fruit and vegetables of high phytochemical value. There are more
than a thousand known phytochemicals that have protective, disease preventive
properties and antioxidant activity including: sterols, flavonoids, allyl sulfides,
carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, lycopene, isoflavones, saponins, capsaicin,
anthocyanin, resveratrol and quercetin to name a few.
The heavy metals cannot be metabolized by the body, so if they accumulate in
the tissues and interfere with various physiological functions. The heavy metals that
pose the most threat to the body are mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic and aluminum.
Rejuvenation would entail methods of chelation to remove these heavy metals and
other toxins. Cilantro is believed to help remove heavy metals, especially mercury.
Aluminum, perhaps the most serious toxin in our environment, can be chelated
with magnesium glycinate. Magnesium also helps remove fluorides and the only
substances that are more damaging to living cells than fluorides are the radioactive
isotopes. ¼ tsp Magnesium citrate in a glass of water before bed might help remove
fluoride, because the citrate ions can chelate unwanted metal ions. This is also a
remedy for those with constipation and may be useful for people who develop
calcium kidney stones from impaired intestinal absorption due to inflammatory

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