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mitocHonDrial tHeorY oF aGinG

Mitochondrial DNA is ten times more susceptible to damage than the DNA in
the cell nucleus, because it lacks some of the systems that protect and repair DNA
in the cell nucleus. When there is oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA cellular
energy is reduced and the cell’s sensitivity to excitotoxicity is greatly increased so
that even normally occurring amounts of neurotransmitters, such as glutamate,
can trigger cell death. Inflammation can also lead to a low cellular energy state,
which allows neurons to become hyper-sensitive to glutamate, aspartate and other
neurotransmitters so that even normally occurring levels of these neurotransmitters
can result in cell death.
Fast DNA repair is promoted by the flavonoids, and any phytonutrient that has
anti-viral properties is capable of DNA repair. Mitochondria produce 80% of the
ATP needed to power our cells. These energy production organelles become less
efficient with aging. Changes in the mitochondria induced by aging include: free
radical damage to DNA, reduced efficiency in the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle),
reduced responsiveness to energy demands, defects in the respiratory chain due to
enzyme alterations and decreased membrane fluidity.
Cancer is an inflammatory metabolic disease caused by generations of
demineralization, cooked empty food and triggered by stress, age and carcinogens.
One of the main components of the disease is the cells shift from aerobic to
anaerobic energy generation. To prevent “rusting” in the energy centers—Men,
particularly meat eaters, need to chelate excess iron out of their system after
they reach 40 with IP6 and pycnogenol and prevent rusting with quercetin and
resveratrol. Oxidation damage from iron, copper and other heavy metals might
be a leading factor cessation of mitochondrial krebs cycle-ATP production and
the shift over to the anaerobic gluconeogenesis of cancer cells. To prevent cancer
therefore we need to maintain a lifestyle that builds strong mitochondrial function
and efficient ATP production.
succinic acid—Spirit of amber has been used as an antibiotic for centuries; it
was procured from amber by pulverizing and distilling it. Amber resin contains about
8% succinic acid, which offers protection from radiation, infections and toxins.
It helps the body to process alcohol by improving acetaldehyde detoxification.
Succinic acid restores the energy balance at the cellular level; because succinate,
is a component of the citric acid cycle and is capable of donating electrons to the
electron transfer chain. Succinic acid is a powerful antioxidant, restores cardiac
rhythm, stimulates neural recovery and bolsters the immune system. Succinic acid
can be safely taken as needed without side effects, even in large amounts, since it
is impossible to overdose.
idebenone (a synthetic CoQ10 analog) protects cell membranes and
mitochondria from oxidative damage. A therapeutic regimen of 300 mg Idebenone
per day, and six grams of sodium succinate, combined with magnesium and
potassium citrate may normalize mitochondrial function, increase cellular and
systemic energy production. Sodium Succinate has many uses in the treatment of

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