
(nextflipdebug5) #1

out, because of diminished exocytosis. exocytosis is the process by which a cell
releases large biomolecules through its membrane. Wastes and salts, such as
potassium, begin to take up increasing amounts of space within the cell. As a result
the cell’s water supply is pushed out, and the cell becomes dehydrated. At this
point the water we drink does little to rehydrate the cells. To establish the cellular
flows we need to repair and protect cell membranes with fat-soluble antioxidants,
use negative charge-North pole water and eat plenty of raw-remineralized fruit and
The sleep hormone Melatonin is a major physiological antioxidant (and
hormone) by directly reacting with hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, or by stimulating
the expression of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, or glutathione
reductase. Melatonin has also been reported to inhibit nitric oxide synthetase,
thus might be used to reduce hypertensive headaches. However recent studies
in rats have shown that melatonin reduces learning in rats given supplemental

toP antioXiDant FooDs

  • oxygen radical absorbency capacity or orac’s:

Fruit: Prunes 5770, Raisins 2830, Wolf berries 3472, Vitamin E oil 3309,
Pomegranates 3037, Blueberries 2400, Blackberries 2036, Strawberries 1540.

Vegetables: Kale 1770, Spinach 1260, Brussel Sprouts 980, Alfalfa Sprouts 930,
Broccoli 890.

  • Other antioxidant substances are: Fresh raw fruit and vegetables are loaded
    with antioxidants. The fruits highest in antioxidants are blueberries and other
    berries and kiwifruit. Brewers yeast, bioflavonoids, pycnogenol, Co enzyme 10,

PABA, RNA, BNT, BHA, Choline, Inositol, B 1 , B 5 , B 6 , B 15 , L-Dopa, Amino
acids: NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine), L-methionine, L-glutathione.

  • Antioxidant herbs include: Ashitaba, Astragalus, Bilberry, Chaparral,
    Echinacea, Garlic, Gingko, Green Tea, Rosemary, Ligustrum, Schizandra, Shiitake
    mushrooms. Green tea contains an antioxidant EGCG which is believed to be 200
    times more powerful at inhibiting lipid peroxidation than Vitamin E.

  • naDH — NADH is an activated form of the B vitamin niacin and is the body’s
    most powerful antioxidant. NADH increases overall energy, boosts the immune
    system, protects cells from damage and improves memory. NADH is the reduced
    (electron- energy rich) coenzyme form of vitamin B3, while NAD is the oxidized
    (burned) coenzyme form of B3. The molecular structure of NADH is a vitamin
    B3 (niacinamide) combined with a ribose (5-carbon sugar), a phosphate group
    and an adenine nucleotide (a DNA component). Ribose is a fundamental building
    block of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
    Mitochondria produce the NADH necessary for the Oxidative Phosphorylation
    of food stuffs into ATP. It is NADH, which captures the electrons thrown off

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