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during Krebs’ cycle oxidation and shuttles them to the electron transport side
chain energy production cycle. Whether it is produced internally within the cell or
enters the body from a dietary supplement, NADH will trigger increased cellular
energy production. Energy is stored in the NADH molecule, and when it reacts
with oxygen, energy is produced in the form of ATP. One NADH molecule leads
to the formation of three ATP molecules. In addition NADH creates more energy
when it reacts with oxygen and water forming nicotinamide (also known as vitamin
B3) and ADP.
Free radicals interfere with cellular energy production by destroying enzymes
and mitochondria. NADH is a high-energy hydrogen that occurs naturally in all
our cells. NADH transfers the Hydrogen to oxidized (or damaged) glutathione
to restore normal glutathione, and it can regenerate other important antioxidants
as well. In the nucleus of the cell there is only one compound that can activate
the nucleus DNA repair system: that compound is NADH. The better the DNA
repair system functions the better our protection from chronic diseases such as
cancer, arthritis, arteriosclerosis and immunodeficiencies.
The brain must produce and use 20% of the body’s total ATP production in
order to maintain normal function; depression reflects a lowering of the brain’s
energy status. Through its multiple roles in producing ATP energy, NADH
energizes the brain thereby reducing depression, seizure and psychosis. Besides
increasing brain energy NADH also increases the neurotransmitters dopamine
and noradrenaline, which along with serotonin are frequently diminished during
depression (brain cells use dopamine to make noradrenaline). And since NADH’s
spares tryptophan, more tryptophan is available for conversion to serotonin. For
depression take NADH along with DL Phenylalinine, tyrosine and tryptophan or
5-HTP. NADH can also be made from the amino acid L-Tryptophan using 60mg
tryptophan for 1mg B3. Tryptophan being the precursor to serotonin.
NADH can be made in the liver and other cells from vitamin B3, so rather
than the expensive activated form you could take 50-100mg of vitamin B3 per
day (in your B complex) and 750 mg ribose. NADH is involved in three energy
production cycles, and helps your body to oxidize (burn) all foods including
carbohydrate, fats, and amino acids to produce ATP energy. The increased energy
supply renews tired muscles and sparks nerve cells to give you physical strength and
mental focus, it also enhances mood due to its important role in the development
of dopamine and serotonin. Letting go of the past and trans-forming requires an
increase in energy to move through and beyond interference patterns and reinstate
the harmonious vibratory pattern of health. The energy of healers reduces the
activity of the enzyme that changes NADH to NAD. Thus making more
NADH available for ATP production in the mitochondria and more energy
available for change.

Freedom From Disease, How to Control Free Radicals A Major Cause of Aging and
Disease by Hari Sharma

Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and
Memory by Dharma Singh Khalsa and Cameron Stauth

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