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Blood Sugar and Glycation

High levels of blood sugar (glucose) damage body protein by a process called
glycation or crosslinking, which is implicated in all degenerative disease. High
concentrations of sugar combine with protein molecules to form advanced
glycation end products (AGEs). AGE particles act like glue, binding protein
molecules together to form a rigid lattice network know as cross-linking, thus
accelerating aging and leading to many of the symptoms of diabetes. These
large crosslinked protein molecules reduce flexibility, elasticity and functioning
of proteins, and can initiate harmful inflammatory and autoimmune responses.
AGEs also interfere with tyrosine and dopamine utilization and they signal glial
cells to produce superoxide and nitric oxide. Then if glutathione levels are low, the
powerful free radical peroxynitrite can form resulting in damage to cellular and
mitochondrial DNA.
Glycation wreaks havoc on all body tissues including connective tissue
collagen, arterial collagen, lungs, kidneys, lens of the eye, vision, immune cells,
nerve myelin proteins and in the circulating low-density lipoprotein (LDL) of
the blood. Crosslinking of the myelin sheaths makes them rigid, which impacts
on the nerves themselves leading to tingling, numbness and pain. As free radical
damaged proteins and other macromolecules are crosslinked into useless heaps
they collect in the cell as blobs of lipofuscin or age pigment. The more age pigment
we accumulate the poorer cell function becomes and the few years we have to live.
These age spots are also called the Browning reaction.
Protein is especially vulnerable to attack by free radicals. Much of the cell’s
structure is protein, in fact protein comprises 70% of the body’s dry weight.
Muscles, enzymes, hormones and neurochemicals mostly protein. The loss of a
single electron from a single atom in a molecule can result in a chain reaction
of adjustments that renders the protein molecule useless. Since there is increased
free radical production during active kundalini if we try to emotionally cope with
the awakening by overeating fruit/sugar/carbohydrates then nerve damage and
increased glycation will result. Glycation occurs when sugars react with proteins
resulting in damage that is just as detrimental as free radical damage. In fact
higher levels of blood sugar increase the oxidation damage by free radicals, and
this interferes with all metabolic processes including cell membrane permeability,
receptor sensitivity and even energy generation systems, not to mention nerve
transmission. AGEs signal glial cells to produce superoxide and nitric oxide. This
combination can then produce the powerful free radical, peroxynitrite, which
can worsen neurodegenerative disease by damaging cellular DNA and mito-
chondrial DNA.
Through my own experience and dream-insights I found that the strength of
the body’s protein structures determines whether one’s kundalini awakening is
successful or if it just creates more health and mental/spiritual problems. And the
strength of our protein structures is determined by how well we have built our
cells, our mineral reserves and the status of our blood sugar. High blood sugar,
means weak protein structures, and the kundalini moving through weakened
protein structures creates free radical cascades. Protein that has been weakened by

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