
(nextflipdebug5) #1

exposure to high serum sugar cannot conduct energy and information (biophonons
and biophotons) to the degree that intact protein can and cannot repair itself as a
well, nor fit neatly into the jigsaw of life. Not to mention that some of the body’s
own antioxidants are proteins, thus the body is able to maintain its integrity when
blood sugar level is kept to the optimal level.
In his book The Quantum Brain Jeffrey Satinover states that the reason proteins
can arrange themselves so fast is that the electrons quantum tunnel. Quantum
tunneling is when a particle travels faster than the speed of light through another
particle. That is one instant an electron is here, then it simultaneously turns up
somewhere else. Quantum tunneling is observed in water and DNA as well as
in protein. (Also the tendency of water to form hydrogen bonded networks is
also important in the self-assembly of complex proteins.) The movement and 3D
arrangement of protein molecules are the basis of life, and these movements are
generated by quantum processes. Satinover says that these quantum effects are
intrinsic, impossible according to classic physics and almost certainly necessary
for life to be possible at all. Intact protein can superconduct consciousness more
coherently, permitting increased depth of spiritual consciousness. We could say
that such a person’s spirit was “stabilized” in the material realm. Our bodies are
actually superconducting instruments of spirit.
insulin is the hormonal key that enables sugar to leave the blood stream and
enter the cells where it is broken down to provide energy. Hypoglycemia or low
blood sugar results from too much simple carbohydrate such as sugar, honey
or molasses in the diet. Because these simply sugars cause the pancreas to over
react and put out too much insulin which in turn makes the blood sugar drop
precipitately. If the diet is also high in fat hypoglycemia can develop into diabetes.
Insulin is anabolic, that is it builds tissue; it promotes fat storage by facilitating
the uptake of fatty acids by fat cells, and reduces lipid oxidation in muscle tissue.
When we eat carbohydrates, blood glucose (sugar) levels increase. Since the blood
can only safely hold about a teaspoon of glucose, insulin is released to lower blood
glucose by storing a small amount in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Once
glycogen stores are filled the sugar is turned into triglycerides for fat storage.
Because an overweight persons muscles are insensitive to insulin (insulin resistant)
they reject the glucose circulating in the blood. This glucose then finds its way into
fat cells and becomes triglyceride (fatty acids). Ironically the person with the least
need for stored fat accumulates it the fastest. Low fat diets improve the insulin
mechanism. For every fat cell you produce and fill up, the body has to produce
more insulin in an effort to keep the fat cells nourished. Besides preventing the
mobilization of stored fat, blood sugar spiking and excess insulin also prevents
the release of Growth Hormone, and as we know plentiful Growth Hormone
keeps us slim. Several studies have shown that thyroid hormone is associated with
glucose intolerance resulting from decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.
This defect in insulin secretion is believed to result from an increase in the rate
of apoptosis (programmed cell death) of pancreatic beta cells as a direct effect of
thyroid hormone excess due to stress.

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