
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Members of the calorie restriction society who restrict their daily intake to
1100-1950 calories had insulin levels that were 65% below average. Meaning their
risk of diabetes was almost nill and insulin resistance and glycation damage must be
radically reduced compared to the average person. By eating a nutrient dense diet
while reducing calories they expect to live 120 years. One of the main reasons why
restricted calorie intake works to promote life span is that it reduces the amount of
blood glucose which lowers glycation damage and insulin resistance.
Researchers found that chromium picolinate supplements can produce an
equally extended life span without such dietary restrictions. With age insulin
resistance increases, and glucose tolerance declines, but Chromium picolinate
lowers both glucose and insulin thereby increasing lifespan. Chromium picolinate
can reduce blood glucose levels by 25% and glycation by 60%. Chromium
picolinate helps the body metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins and might be
an excellent addition to metamorphic supplementation to reduce the sugar craving
that can result from the body burning huge amounts of energy during kundalini.
Supplementing with chromium also reduces the carbohydrate craving associated
with depression. Chromium also aids in cortisol receptor sensitivity, lowering
the cortisol levels in the blood and reducing the effects of stress. Chromium,
manganese and B vitamins are important in blood sugar regulation. Brewers yeast,
alfalfa, whole grains, liver and Spirulina are good sources of these nutrients. Only
the picolinate form of chromium supplement is absorbed well by the body. Like
chromium Vanadyl sulfate also enhances the actions of insulin and improves
glucose tolerance by restoring muscle and hypothalamic receptor sensitivity to
insulin and improves blood sugar control by enhancing skeletal muscle insulin
alpha lipoic acid is a unique antioxidant because it prevents glycation and
may even reverse the attachment of sugar to collagen by allowing better metabolism
of sugar in the cell, preventing its buildup and also by allowing the body’s natural
repair mechanisms to work better. In other words, it prevents the accelerated aging
of collagen by protecting it from sugar’s toxic effects. In fact, when alpha lipoic
acid is taken orally, it protects all of the proteins in our body from glycation and
helps cells take up sugar and use it for fuel much more efficiently. That explains
why alpha lipoic acid is extremely effective with the symptoms of diabetes. Insulin
resistance has also been associated with people diagnosed with depression. The
antioxidant alpha lipoic acid has been shown to increase insulin receptor sensitivity
and is used to treat people with diabetes and depression.
During the duration of acute kundalini sugars and carbohydrates should be
generally avoided except sprouted seeds and grains, vegetables and even our fruit
intake should be restricted to no more than 10% of our diet. High glycemic
vegetables like corn, potatoes, beets and carrots need to be carefully restricted
also. If our diet has historically consisted of a lot of simple sugars and starches
then 1 piece of fruit a day is about all the sugar we should allow ourselves, so we
can rebuild strong protein with greens and keep a healthy free radical/antioxidant
balance. Note that for epilepsy it is recommended to have a diet high in fats and
low in carbohydrates.

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