
(nextflipdebug5) #1

The glycemic index is a measure of a carbohydrate food’s ability to increase
insulin production. I recommend that everyone going through a kundalini
awakening acquaint themselves with the Glycemic index. Because the glycemic
index measures how fast a food is likely to raise blood sugar, and so is useful in
regulating the intensity of kundalini and the free radical load on the body. For
example if we eat too much high glycemic food the fire of kundalini increases
along with the symptoms. This constitutes a cellular emergency and we become
emotionally unstable and can go into a panic attack. During this crisis we are
more likely to resort to high glycemic food in an effort to and “separate” from
our numb out. A good book on the glycemic index is “The New
Glucose Revolution,” Jennie Brand-Miller, Ph.D.
The more we set up a stable rhythmic circadian timetable for the care of our
cells, the more they will be reassured that everything is ok, even while they are in
complete overhaul. If we freak out and resort to addictive coping mechanisms then
our cells not only have the work of metamorphosis to cope with, they also have
the metabolic results of our emotional and substance abuse to deal with. It goes
without saying that this reactivity puts a heavy inertial burden on the evolutionary
process and results in organic disease and arrested spiritual developmental.
Increasing the sugar content of our diet in response to the cellular hunger
we feel during kundalini will increase the brain and neuron damage that occurs.
In a similar fashion hyperglycemia increases the damage that occurs during
stroke, due to impairment of mitochondrial function and increased acidosis. The
neurotransmitters, in particular glutamate and also dopamine (DA), noradrenaline
(NA) and serotonin (5-HT) are all released in large quantities during blood loss
to the brain during strokes (ischemia). The bottom line is that high blood sugar
increases brain damage due to: acidosis, AGE’s and glycation, accumulation of
extra-cellular glutamate, impaired mitochondrial function, increased blood-
brain barrier permeability, swelling due to water retention and decreased vascular
reactivity. Blood sugar spiking with high glycemic carbohydrates also increases the
loss of eyesight associated with aging.
During the first fall season after my July awakening I got so hungry that I would
be propelled to go for fast walks and laugh at how hungry I was. But I intuitively
knew that food could not satisfy this hunger. At the time I thought I was just ultra-
sensitive to the energy of the trees draining down into the roots for winter. Not to
denounce the super-sensory abilities of those with active kundalini, but I think the
answer is less ethereal than that. Without my knowing it the peak summer of my
awakening had set up a huge neurotransmitter and hormone debt that my food
supply was inadequate to address. Now of course, if I had an awakening I would
know to adopt mega-nutrition supplemental program of herbs, antioxidants,
nootropics and amino acids.
Dandelion greens, bitters and all greens in general will help curb our sweet
tooth and help build strength in our body’s protein structures in order to endure
kundalini with greater ease and efficiency. The stronger the body’s protein
structures the less dispersal and friction of energy—the deeper and more smoothly

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