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the awakening will proceed. Free radical damage to the nerves is caused when
blood sugar is poorly regulated. Stevia might be a useful addition to a kundalini
diet if one has a craving for carbohydrates and sugars. AGE’s are inhibited by
glutathione, carnosine, tumeric, green tea and SOD. Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
can be increased through the probiotic Bifido bacteria and foods rich in chlorophyll
and carotenes. Green juices including parsley increase the body’s antioxidant
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).
Sulfur containing vegetables such as alfalfa, asparagus, cabbage family, mustard
greens, garlic and fruits such as figs, papaya and pineapple prevents the glycation
of the blood. Zinc is essential for DNA synthesis, SOD and insulin production,
because of increased cell growth and immune function during metamorphosis
the demand for zinc must go up. Zinc is key in the entire hormonal system and
immune system. 15 milligrams per day is recommended; sources include grains,
brewers yeast, wheat germ, seafood and kelp.

  • The Glycemic index of fruits: Apple 38, Banana 55, Cantaloupe 65, Cherries
    22, Grapefruit 25, Grapes 46, Kiwi 52, Mango 55, Orange 44, Papaya 58, Pear
    38, Pineapple 66, Plum 39, Watermelon 103.

  • Vegetables: Beets 69, Broccoli 10, Cabbage 10, Carrots 49, Corn 55, Green
    Peas 48, Lettuce 10, Mushrooms 10, Onions 10, Parsnips 97, Potato (baked)
    93, Potato (mashed, Potato (new) 62, Potato (french fries) 75, Red Peppers 10,
    Pumpkin 75, Sweet Potato 54.

  • For stabilizing both low and high blood sugar: Onions, Garlic, Oats, Barley,
    Sunflower seeds, Cashews, Olive oil, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower,
    Blueberries, Cranberry, Burdock root, Nettles, Horseradish, Mugwort, Suma and

  • To reduce sugar cravings: And raise blood sugar levels and cure mental fatigue
    take Glutamine and Cofactors: Folic acid, B 6 , and vitamin C. Skullcap tea taken
    throughout the day will stop the craving for sugar. Another sugar craving cure is 1
    tablespoon of flaxseed oil, take with Magnesium, Zinc, B 6 , B 3 , C and Chromium

insUlin resistance

Cells become insulin resistant as a protective measure against the toxic effects of
high insulin. They down-regulate their receptor activity and number of receptors
so that they don’t have to be continually subjected to excessive stimuli. The liver
becomes resistant first, followed by the muscle tissue and lastly the fats With down
regulation of insulin receptors normal amounts of insulin are inadequate to produce
a normal insulin response from fat cells-(elevates free fatty acids in the blood),
muscle cells – (reduces glucose uptake) and liver cells – (reduces glucose storage).
Insulin resistance is associated with fatigue, foggy brain, obesity, fatty liver, type 2
diabetes, heart disease, retention of sodium, fluid retention, high blood pressure,
depression and increase in cancer growth. Longevity scientists consider insulin
resistance caused by over consumption of carbohydrates/sugars as a major cause

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