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production of pain and inflammation, as well as controlling homeostatic function.
You can increase AA by either eating high AA foods like red meat and egg yolks,
or too many high glycemic carbohydrates. Ideally judging from the neo-paleolithic
diet the weight ratio of protein to carbohydrate should be around 3:4. The less
control you have over insulin levels by maintaining this ideal ratio, the more fish
oil you need to reduce inflammation.
To prevent insulin spiking, arachidonic acid production and inflammation
our diet should contain a balanced ratio of protein, fat and soluble fiber to slow
down the rate in which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as sugar. Protein
consumption stimulates the release of the pancreatic hormone glucagon, which
reduces insulin secretion. Glucagon helps maintain the level of glucose in the
blood by binding to glucagon receptors on liver cells and causing the release of
glucose - stored in the form of glycogen (glycogenolysis). As these stores become
depleted, glucagon then encourages the liver to synthesize additional glucose by
gluconeogenesis. By keeping our insulin-to-glucagon levels balanced with a 3:4
Protein:Carbohydrate ratio we can prevent silent inflammation, insulin resistance,
obesity and degenerative disease. (See Eicosanoids section for more)

  • Overcoming Insulin Resistance: Vitamin C (fat and water soluble forms),
    Vitamin E (both d-alpha and mixed tocopherol), N-acetyl-cysteine, Quercetin,
    Alpha Lipoic Acid, B3—Niacinamide, Biotin, Chromium Picolinate, Cinnamon
    Extract. Vanadyl sulfate, by mimicking the actions of insulin, helps the muscle cells
    uptake glucose instead of fat cells uptaking glucose. EFAs help with triglycerides -
    use Flaxseed oil, Organic hemp seed oil, Sacha Inchi oil, and fish oil. These EFA’s
    like omega-3 compete with linoleic acid in the arachidonic acid pathway, thereby
    reducing the metabolism of arachidonic acid. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)
    reduces fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin & appears to enhance
    tissue sensitivity to insulin. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenicum graecum) reduces
    fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin. Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre)
    helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Fiber reduces fasting blood glucose without
    increasing insulin - Psyllium and pectin reduces glucose and insulin levels after
    meals. Exercise enhances muscle sensitivity to insulin and helps the body regulate
    blood sugar better.

If undergoing an awakening the two most important
things to consider even if all else is ignored are—Faith and

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