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greatly improve eyesight, and the strength of the nerves in resilience to kundalini
light flow.
Keeping the spine open and flexible is essential to full utilization of the brain’s
capacities. Loosening the spine and joints to improve flexibility really helps to get
the juices flowing. Body armor is the physical correlation to neurosis. The flaccid,
static body is a sign by nature that this person is “too old and decrepit” for sex and
reproduction and so the pituitary hormones “obey” our sedentary behavior and go
into decline. Our spiritual awakening, our intelligence and quality of life depend
directly on our sex hormone production as the basis of our mind and body. The
spine will do—the heart will do—the head will do.

“The whole of yoga tries in many ways to make your spine alive, brilliant, filled with
light, young and fresh.” Osho, Meditation: The First and Last Freedom

“Chronic muscular contraction wastes huge amounts of energy, energy which otherwise
could be channeled into the raising of kundalini. When there is not a strong flow of
nerve energy up the spine our higher centers cannot be adequately energetically fed and
our autonomic systems are lax. The stronger the kundalini energy up the spine the more
of our soul we experience.” Phoenix Rising, Jana Dixon

silicon Deficiency—High silicon increases the rate of healing and prevents against
aging, cancer, other degenerative and infectious diseases. Silicon deficiency could
show up as a weakness of connective tissue; poor hair, nails, skin and brittle bones;
lymphatic and immune weakness, susceptibility to infection, hemorrhoids, ulcers
and cancer; sluggish circulatory system and heart disease, gastrointestinal, kidney
and bladder disorders, and a general low rate of healing. Psycho-emotionally
silicon deficiency shows up as insecurity, neurosis, excessive moralizing, rigid
conventionalism, gullibility and inability to think outside the box. Also head
congestion symptoms like headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, poor eyesight, seizure and
sinus infection related to sluggish blood and lymph systems coupled with high
blood pressure and carbo-craving. All skin conditions are improved with silicon
supplementation including, eczema, acne, wrinkles and age spots. Silica helps to
re-mineralize the skin, and it also has a softening effect. Silica can improve the
appearance of the skin, hair, and nails by its strengthening, hydrating action on
connective tissue.

Kundalini Protection—After 10 years of kundalini I found that I had burned
through my collagen and so my skin and muscle was sagging. To rebuild my
reserves I take 4 drops of Biosil a day in my drinking water, and a daily intake
of 1 tsp of horsetail powder in capsules and about 1 tsp of cornsilk powder in
a smoothie, along with oatstraw-horsetail sun tea. I am focusing on silicon as a
means of avoiding cellular inflammation due to oxidation, coagulation, flocculation
and glycation of the tissues, caused by the high metabolism (radiation) and extra
nerve energy of kundalini. The colloidal matrix of our body is the “ground” of
our structure. The thickened nature of the body’s colloidal matrix on a cooked
food diet is apparent in the thicker saliva, phlegm, ama, plaques, sluggish blood

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