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charge and stick to vessel walls. Also by building up the collagen in the smooth
muscle layer of the walls of the arteries, they become resilience to free radical
damage. In heart disease the muscle walls of arteries are damaged by free radicals
and calcium is laid down on this oxidation damage, then cholesterol builds up on
the calcium blocking the arteries.

radiation Protection—Because silicon is super-hydrophilic (water-loving) and
strongly attracts water molecules, it helps to maintain the colloidal matrix and
electrolytic potentials of the body fluids. Therefore there is a good chance that
it will prevent the depolarization, precipitation, flocculation and coagulation
caused by radiation of all forms. Including that caused by computers, TV screens
and the sun. Also Himalayan salt, by providing the nano minerals for strong
electrolyte charges also aids in protecting the body fluids from precipitation due
to electrosmog and radiation exposure. A strong ionic zetapotential is necessary to
keep the electrical voltage gradients, osmotic pressures and capillary force intact.
This coupled with adequate hydration ensures the correct structure building
intelligence of the proteins, enzymes, DNA and all molecular construction.

albumin—Serum albumin is the most abundant blood plasma protein, is produced
in the liver and normally constitutes about 60% of plasma protein. It is essential
for maintaining the osmotic pressure needed for proper distribution of body fluids
between intravascular compartments and body tissues. Serum silicon might be only
weakly bound to carrier or storage proteins such as albumin. Albumin is negatively
charged; the net charge of albumin is defined as its own charge plus the charge of all
bound ions. Albumin is the principle serum transport protein to which drugs and
hormones bind, and it contains a large number of multiple fatty acid binding sites
for metals. In order to be conveyed around the body the minerals in life are held
in colloidal bonds (chelated) with hydrophilic substances such as gelatin, albumin,
collagen and mucopolysaccharides. In their chelated bonds minerals have 98%
assimilation capacity by the body. Despite the low total protein concentration, the
level of albumin (60% of total CSF protein) and immunoglobin is very high in
cerebrospinal fluid.


Biosil (Si[OH]4), a stabilized concentrated orthosilicic acid is 20,000 times
more soluble than the silica (SiO2) found in horsetail and colloidal gels and
2.5 times more bioavailable than other forms of silicon! Biosil is sold by Jarrow
Formulas in capsule and liquid form. It is likely that food fiber does not contribute
significantly to the bioavailable pool of silicic acid in the intestinal tract and may
even interfere with the absorption of free silicic acid. Over a wide range of dietary
intakes, serum silicon levels are maintained within a narrow range because of a very
efficient kidney clearance system. Therefore Biosil might be a good way to go to
build up silicon reserves in the body as well as taking the dietary supplementary
sources in herbs, teas and silicon rich foods. —For one of the cheapest sources of Biosil.

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