
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Dirt-tHe eliXir oF liFe

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency,”
Dr. Linus Pauling.

The answer to eliminating heavy metals, improving assimilation and elimination
and enhancing electrolyte balance appears to be “dirt. Humic substances arise by
the microbial degradation of biomolecules (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, lignin)
dispersed in the environment after the death of living organisms. “Humus” refers
to any organic matter which has reached a point of stability, where it will break
down no further and might remain essentially as it is for centuries, or millennia.
Once fully humified it becomes a uniform dark, spongy, jelly-like substance and
amorphous in structure. Humus is often described as the ‘life force’ of the soil. In
the United States the humin content of the soil has decreased by 64% in 30 years
due to agrochemical farming and monocultures.
Like clay humus is a colloidal substance, and increases the soil’s cation
exchange capacity, hence its ability to store nutrients by chelation and prevent
leaching. By chelating the ions, humic acid increases the availability of these
cations to organisms, including plants. Humic acid contains Sulfur, Nitrogen and
Phosphorus in varying amounts. It also contains metals such as Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn etc.
which are chelated. These acids are natural chelators that remove excessive calcium
deposits; such deposits are often implicated in diseases like arthritis, kidney stones
and Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis. They do this by breaking down the insoluble
ionic bones between iron, phosphate and calcium.
Humic acid are of two groups based on the polarity and size of the individual
compounds. The smaller, more polar fraction is generally termed fulvic acid and
the larger, more nonpolar fraction is generally termed humic acid. Fulvic acid has
been shown to protect against, chelate and remove heavy metals, toxic materials
and other pollutants and is essential to wash away metabolic waste and toxins that
cells produce. Fulvic acid is produced naturally by plant roots and is important in
root cell division. Is a catalyst, buffers pH, chelates minerals for plant-ready uptake
and activates enzymes. When fulvic acid acts upon a substance, its molecular size
and weight are altered. This reportedly allows it to pass through cell membranes.
Fulvic makes cell walls more selectively permeable, so nutrients can more easily
enter the cell, as well as allowing waste to leave the cells more readily. Humic
Acids and Fulvic Acids enhance mineral and trace element uptake, counteracting
aging effects of cellular starvation, element imbalances and cell membrane rigidity.
Loss of electrolyte potential is the main reason why we “age,” and Fulvic Acid
is said to be the finest electrolyte known to man and it enhances the utilization
of other supplements and foods that we ingest. Fulvic acid plays a vital role in
penetrating the cell walls and transporting the minerals in to the cells. The major
reason why aging and degeneration sets in is the rigidifying of cell walls making
it increasingly difficult for vitamins and minerals to be transported into the cells.
Fulvic acid makes water “wetter,” that is to lower its surface tension and permit
greater hydration of cells; increasing cell nutrition and longevity.

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