
(nextflipdebug5) #1


conjunction. One of the reasons why paralysis occurs during the full flux up the
spine is that the spine must be straight at this time—people always talk about their
spine becoming as rigid as a stick during the spinal inner-conjunction. This might
be a similar thing to sleep paralysis that prevents the body moving during REM
sleep, and also to the state of immobilization without fear that occurs during sexual
activity in the female mammal.
During the peak heart expansion event (Heart Nova or Solar Heart) again the
sympathetic and parasympathetic are dueling at their maximum and the dorsal
vagal complex again kicks in bringing on a freeze response. But in this particular
situation instead of paralysis a Dive reflex occurs, essentially pulling the individual
into the ground and making them lie flat. That way the heart that is already laboring
at max due to the expansion doesn’t have to work at pumping against gravity to
get the blood around the body. In other words the intense grounding where the
body is forcibly pulled into the ground during a heart expansion event, maybe
due to the “dive reflex” stimulated by the dorsal vagus complex (DVC) during a
freeze response. The DVC governs the dive reflex in reptiles, where they remain
submerged for long periods of time to pursue prey or escape predators. Research
on the human dive reflex suggested that it does involve concurrent sympathetic
and parasympathetic activation.
Perhaps both the heart expansion and the dive reflex will always go together as
the body tries to tone down the expansion of the heart and dilated vessels. For this
hyper expanded heart may stimulate the vagus to initiate a dive reflex to prevent
the organism from overexertion when the cardiovascular system is so engorged,
dilated and overworking. By lying down the heart does not have to work so hard
against gravity to pump blood. Since the blood vessels and the heart itself are
hyperdilated blood pressure would fall, so lying down would both reduce the toll
of low blood pressure and having to work against gravity. Low blood pressure
reduces oxygen in the brain and this would force the body into a faint, with acute
fatigue and bring on the compulsion to lie down.
The heart expansions themselves might occur when the parasympathetic
gains dominance in the cascade of kundalini activity. They occur during periods of
intense bliss, right-brain consciousness and are associated with intense grounding
and extreme lethargy. This dive reflex makes more sense than my first explanation,
which was the extra grounding needed by the hearts field pulling one into the
ground during the massive heart expansion periods that occur. Whatever the cause
of the grounding, it must be noted that the extreme pull on the body is relieved
by lying for half an hour on the grass or bare earth with ones spine on the ground.
This is no doubt a key to understanding the phenomena.
By looking into the ancient spiritual literature, Hal Puthoff surmised that
spiritual phenomena like the levitation of the human body may be due to the
ability to mentally cohere the vacuum fluctuation energy. This led him to propose
the idea that gravity itself might be a redistribution of vacuum fluctuation energy.
(See the Hal Puthoff - Alan Steinfeld talks on youtube). To mentally cohere the
vacuum fluctuation would require a quantum phase-lock at a certain frequency(s)

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