
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Due primarily to agricultural soil depletion and processed food consumption,
mineral deficiency is a large problem facing most people today. Even way back in
1936, U.S. Senate Document 264 stated, “The alarming fact is that foods, fruits,
vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain
necessary levels of essential minerals. These foods are starving us, no matter how much
we eat.” This means unless we make an effort to remineralize, we are getting as
little as 15% of the minerals and nutrients that were once readily available in our
food sources.
The capacity to make enzymes and hydrochloric acid diminishes with age,
resulting in inferior digestion, absorption and elimination and producing a variety
of chronic disorders. By our 40’s we only absorb 50% of the nutrients that we could
in our 20’s. As well as a deficiency in minerals and trace elements, it appears that
modern humans have gone terribly wrong in eliminating the wild foods from our
diet that are rich deposits of B17, silicon and other minerals and phytonutrients...
this combo and our mistreatment of water is the foundations of the ill health of
modern man I think. As apes we would have had a diet rich in silicon, B17, humic
acids from dirt and other raw phytonutrients, and we have become increasingly
deprived of these ever since we began agriculture, plant breeding and cooking
Silicon is needed to promote the formation of phagocytes and lymphocytes.
Colloidal silica gel also binds to bacteria, pathogens, ama and metabolic wastes,
aiding their elimination from the body...thereby giving the immune system less
work to do. Silica also acts as a transporter for calcium deposition in the bones...
and since the immune and blood cells are grown in the bone marrow, the stronger
and more electrically alive your bones are, the better your immune system is.
People are becoming so exhausted that they are “bone tired.” They need to build
up their mineral base with nutrient dense raw plant protoplasm, lie naked in the
sun on the living earth and frolic in nature. For once you are “bone-tired” you are
heading for major problems.
It is the mineral base that carries the light of life in the body. Industrially
farmed land is weak in minerals and the food is even weaker...The geomantic
earth energy is also generated, empowered and focused by its mineral content.
Because of this mineral depletion of the land, you now need to look to the sea and
ancient sea deposits for minerals (kelp powder, spirulina, Himalayan salt, zeolite).
Wheatgrass grown with kelp powder is I think one of the best ways to get colloidal
minerals readily absorbed and incorporated into body tissues.
The soul, lightbody or rainbow body runs on the electromagnetic fields of
the minerals and especially the m-state metals in the body. DNA molecules are
like little crystal transducers of this energy that generate the “form” of the body
through the genes and through the biophoton field that the DNA emits. The way
to get the DNA to heal and maintain its structure is to slowly build up the mineral
base of the tissues with radically nutrient dense foods...such as greens, cress, grass-
juices and sea products. It is imperative that biodynamic/permaculture farming
methods are used, that focus intensively on building up the soil nutrient density

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