
(nextflipdebug5) #1

via ecologically sound means. If you don’t have any land to grow food, then set up
a highly conscious sprouting system with a powerful composting routine. Because
it is easy to get an excess and unbalance of minerals through manmade mineral
supplementation, it is best to start thinking in terms of putting the nutrients
into the soil and rebuilding the entire ecosystem...even if only on your balcony
sprouting system. And using combinations of minerals found in nature that are
already balanced and chelated (kelp and spirulina).
Once the tissues are loaded with minerals this keeps the soul’s morphogenic
EMF strong enough to keep the DNA in perfect alignment, thereby eliminating
the danger of getting cancer. The more perfect the mineral saturation the stronger
“soul” and spiritual Presence an individual has, for they are no longer some fickle
wofty ghost, cut off from the earth and cosmos. Their strong energetic signature ties
them more fully into the energy fields and information of the planet and cosmos.
Thus their presence can be felt at great distances and their psychic presence can be
heard or felt anywhere on the globe. The coherency and power of their form, being
a stronger transmitter for sending and receiving telepathic signals.
It is the density and perfection of the mineral body that contributes most
intensely to the radiant quality of “animal magnetism” and “spiritual magnetism.”
This is so because the light of life needs a perfectly aligned and coherent liquid
crystal body in order to shine with greater force. Genes and personality aside, it
is the power inherent in the synchronic wave radiation or sympathetic resonance
through the mineral body of the individual, which gives them greater Presence of
consciousness and power of heart consciousness. It is this sympathetic resonance
or “love” that we are “attracted” to in others.
I have a friend in Kona Hawaii who has remineralized his land with rock dust
and green crops for 30 years. When you put his food on your tongue there is
an immediate electrical jolt which lights up the brain. His food’s “full mineral
content” makes it more electrically potent with life force...and you realize like
never before, “Oh so THIS is what food is supposed to be!” The food in stores is
literally more expensive to the body than the good you get out of it and then we
have to prop ourselves up on stimulants in order to get energy.
Degenerative disease is a depletion and toxicity problem. If all degenerative
disease are caused by mineral depletion, lack of enzymes and phytonutrients then
we need to remineralize from “various sources” with the best the sea and land can
offer. In looking for a mineral supplement we need to consider that it be plant
derived, chelated, colloidal, balanced, and without much sodium chloride (salt)
because we already get enough. For every gram of sodium chloride that your body
cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of cell water to neutralize
the salt.
The term “chelate” originates from a Greek word that means “claw,” and refers
to the process of complexing a metallic mineral with an amino acid. Most metal
complexes in nature are bound in some form of chelate ring, e.g. with “humic acid”
or a protein. These metal chelates are relevant to the mobilization of metals in the
soil, the uptake and the assimilation of metals into plants and microbes. New
generations of mineral supplements are arriving on the market that are using nano

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