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and angstrom (atom-size) technology. They are 100% immediately bioavailable,
but twice or three times as expensive.
If we are indeed liquid crystals we need the mineral components to our
structure in order to show up in ideal holographic imprint. That is the more
minerals our form contains, the stronger the manifestation of our soul, presence,
form and purpose. But these minerals must be balanced and potentized BY nature,
and preferably eaten in raw plant protoplasm. The cheapest most effective way of
getting maximum uptake of highly absorbable minerals is to put soil amendments
like kelp, shale powder and rock dust in our wheatgrass and sprout growing

mUltiVitamin anD minerals:

  • MultiVit Rx - A one source multivitamin supplement for most of your needs
    developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D.

  • Nature’s Way Multi Vitamin, Iron-Free Formula was recommended by one
    researcher that compared brands.

  • Perfect Multi from Purity Products is Bill Sardi’s favorite multivitamin and

mineral salts—Other mineral supplements include Himalayan salt with 84
trace elements, it is a fossil marine salt, formed more than 250 million years ago.
Spike drinking water with Himalayan Salt for ideal minerals and 4-6 drops of
Biosil in the water per day. Liquid Ionic Minerals can be thought of as a mineral
rich salt substitute. Utah’s Great Salt Lake is particularly rich in certain minerals
and trace minerals like magnesium, selenium, lithium, and boron. Then to get a
different mineral spectrum you could also use salt from the Dead Sea for baths. —Low cost Dead Sea Salt, Kelp and Spirulina powders.

sea KelP—Kelp is the ideal mineral supplement. Analyses of kelp indicate that
it contains up to twenty-one amino acids, twelve vitamins, and sixty minerals,
all naturally balanced; stimulating gland secretion and keeping the blood and
tissue fluids from becoming either too acid or too alkaline. Because the sea has
every essential factor necessary for life, seaweeds contain all the mineral elements
required for growth and it yields a liberal supply of iodine. Red algaes are high in
B12. Alginic acid, a compound found in seaweed fiber, lowers blood pressure.

sPirUlina—Spirulina is an aquatic green superfood and ‘metabolic activator’
that is approximately 70% easily digestible protein. A rich source of concentrated
nutrients including 10X the Beta Carotene of carrots, B-12, chlorophyll, GLA
fatty acids, digestive enzymes, chelated minerals, many trace elements and 18 out
of 22 amino acids and all of the essential amino acids. Its concentrated supply of
essential nutrients decreases hunger pangs, reduces sugar cravings and regulates
blood sugar levels. Spirulina is generally a superior energizer than ginsengs, dong
quai, bee pollen and vitamin B-15. It is an aggressive cleansing herb that empties
toxins out of the body tissues into the lymph.

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