
(nextflipdebug5) #1

that would redistribute zeropoint energy/warp spacetime, and essentially create an
antigravity field effect like the warp-field around a spaceship. If biological systems
can do this it would probably due to their liquid crystal structure and the monatomic
M-state elements in their nervous system. I have no idea what I am talking about,
but it sounds like fun, for “extreme symptoms demand wild speculations.” Other
kundalini symptoms such as the inner conjunction, biolightning, increased Psi, the
great desire for grounding and open fact all kundalini phenomena might
be somehow linked to the increased biological interaction with zeropoint energy.
Scientific investigation of this would propel us directly into the mind of God and
the discovery of how ourselves and the universe are put together.
The gravity warping sensation could be a fluxing in the nerve sheath between
sympathetic and parasympathetic dominance. Since they are both in a highly
activated state this shifting might be more noticeable than usual and give the
sensation of gravity crushing (sympathetic) or gravity expanding (parasympathetic).
As Nitric Oxide increased vasodilation this would give an expanding gravity effect,
while a turn toward vasoconstriction would give one the sense of gravity crushing,
or implosion. It is apparent that when both sides of the nervous system are radically
hyperactivated then the freeze response automatically comes on to modulate the
over activity, essentially to protect the brain from excessive stimulation and damage
by nitric oxide, glutamate, adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. Thus there
must be a freeze in effect throughout a kundalini awakening to varying degrees,
culminating in total paralysis during the inner-conjunction.
Given the right circumstances stress could trigger a full-on kundalini
awakening. It appears that the awakening of kundalini means the prolonged
hyperactivation and dance between both sides of the nervous system with periodic
dominance of the freeze response during extreme inner-events. It could be that
after a certain period of this extreme nerve activity the immune system goes into a
radical catabolic condition, what I call a Die-off. Part of the function of a Die-off
could be the resetting of the nervous system equilibrium, breakdown of axions and
restructuring to a more mature/advanced functioning. It does seem that the sense
of being overwrought and out of our depths disappears after a Die-off for we have
assimilated our metamorphic progress to date and have a new lease on life. The
timing of the Die-off must correspond to both the intensity and duration of nerve
activity. A more acute phase of neurological chemistry is followed more quickly by
a Die-off to help bring the rest organism up with the refinement or growth that has
occurred in the nervous system.
sleep Paralysis with its complete or partial atonia, most likely is the result of
hyper-parasympathetic activation of the Dorsal Vagal Complex (DVC)h. Sleep
paralysis is experienced when the individual bypasses directly to REM dream sleep
with its Beta-wave cortical activity. The REM sleep phenomena is associated with
the inhibition of certain motor neurons; inhibition of sensory input; rapid eye
movements; activation of brainstem neurons that control the movement of facial
muscles; and important to the hallucinatory experiences associated with sleep
paralysis, the activation of visual pathways. These events normally occur when

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