
(nextflipdebug5) #1

GH actually increases fat burning at the expense of glucose burning by activating
the glucose-fatty acid cycle where the preferential use of fat as a fuel inhibits the use
of glucose as fuel. In this way growth hormone slows skeletal muscle breakdown
during fasting in an attempt to preserve skeletal muscle at the expense of increased
fat oxidation for fuel. So during periods of caloric restriction, GH is responsible
for less reliance on glucose and protein for energy, with fat being preferentially
oxidized. This is how GH supplementation can induce insulin resistance: GH
reduces the uptake of free fatty acids by fat cells, when more fatty acids are used as
fuel, cells take up less glucose for use as fuel, leading to glucose intolerance.

To increase your production of Growth Hormone:

  • Don’t eat blood sugar raising refined foods, sweets or alcohol within four
    hours of bedtime as these inhibit GH release. Insulin retards the release of
    GH. Obese people usually have a deficiency of GH probably due to their
    insensitivity to insulin and the consequent higher levels of insulin in their
    blood. Avoid caffeine as it boosts insulin levels.

  • The Thyroid hormone Thyroxin acts as an immune stimulant by causing the
    pituitary to release GH, which in turn increases the size of the Thymus and
    mobilizes other immune factions. Kelp will provide the iodine needed for
    Thyroxin production. Manganese is also needed for Thyroxin.

  • There are several nutrients and drugs which enhance GH release these
    include: The amino acids Arginine and Ornithine and cofactors B 5 , B 6 ,
    C; L-Dopa, Bromocriptine, Vasopressin and Niacin. GABA stimulates the
    production of Human Growth Hormone as does the amino acids: Glycine,
    Phenylalanine, Leucine, Valine. Papaya increases the amino acid Arginine
    thus raising GH. Goji Berries stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth
    hormone, as does Bee pollen and Royal Jelly.

  • Herbs that may aid in the release of Human Growth Hormone include:
    Rhodiola rosea, Astragalus, Dong Quai, Ginseng, Mucuna Pruriens, Tribulus
    Terrestris, Chinese Mugwort, Herba Epimedii, St John’s Wort, Epimedium
    Grandiflorum, Artemesia, Codonopsis and Ashwagandha.

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