
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Part X


HiGHer Homeostasis

“All the vital mechanisms...have only one object—to preserve constant the conditions
of...the internal environment.” Claude Bernard.

Extreme chemistry requires extreme adaptation. With kundalini the body is
sent on a wild ride of hills and valleys, eventually creating new levels of homeostasis.
Higher homeostasis is to ride the dragon with mastery. The bodymind must be
strengthened and purified in order to allow the seeker to endure and stabilize
the energy of higher states of consciousness. The lifestyle in which we maximize
lifespan is the same lifestyle that maximizes spiritual growth. So in a sense the
“deeper” we go in Spirit, the longer we potentially live. Of course it is not so much
living for a long time that is desired, but to live greater “Depth” now. We have an
inbuilt with the desire to go deeper and to “know ourselves” before we die.
The key to the proactive adaptation to metamorphosis is to rise to a higher
degree of homeostatic balance by upgrading the body’s four homeostats: energy,
adaptive, reproductive and immune. Thus the evolutionary cycle and metamorphic
process itself must be made “conscious” and worked-with. With higher homeostasis
we can learn to grow in a sustained wave rather than in fits, starts and backslides.
Anything that will contribute to our ability to maintain a higher-homeostasis will
allow faster ascent through stronger adaptation with less catabolic breakdown and
If we fail to address the extra free radical load on the body during metamorphosis
our nervous system and brain function will simply take much longer to come out
of depression and reinstate itself. And we will simply not evolve as much as when
we work-with dissolution and regeneration. To live longer or go Deeper requires—
minimum free radical damage, maximum ATP/enzyme reserves, super-nutrition with
minimum toxin generation. That is a minimum and precise consumption of food,
with perfect detoxification. This is so in order to permit charge, focus, speed and
conductivity of consciousness.
I cannot stress enough how vitally important it is to support the body as it is
going through this extreme chemistry. My first awakening resulted in increased
tooth decay, because my immune system was compromised by the stress hormones.
And in my second awakening I only came to the realization of needing to upgrade
allostasis, and protect the body’s cells “after” my peak, so during my own kundi-
awakening I wasn’t taking anything but cleansing herbs. It wasn’t until after the
fact that I worked out the need to prevent free radical damage, support hormones
and feed neurotransmitters, and bind metabolites. Had I adopted my protocol
during my awakening, I would not gone through years of suppressed immunity,
burnt out, functional-depression and loss of left-brain function.
The stronger the body, the greater the resources, the greater the conductivity,
the higher the charge, the more open to spirit are the tissues. If we change over to

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