
(nextflipdebug5) #1

a “raw-food” diet then the physical, mental and spiritual growth that we have been
suppressing with a cooked food diet, rapidly springs forth. A kundalini awakening
is very likely under these circumstances. To navigate this crisis of awakening we
must understand that we are not only emerging from our own self-suppression,
but also from the “collective” species-wide suppression of our Human nature. I
propose we look into how we are creating our bodies from birth. Are we creating
bodies that can really handle the extreme force of evolution when it hits us?
To evolve as a species, my experience has shown me what we must build up
our bodies to endure metamorphosis, so that we can support the alchemy, grow
our spiritual bodies. Once we know exactly what is going on with our physiology,
and why we are having the symptoms we are having, then we can relax and
do what is needed to FORWARD our alchemy even in the midst of the most
intense kundalini flux. Going-with kundalini therefore takes a very high degree of
knowledge, sophistication, higher purpose, determination, force of personality and
self-respect. It is so easy to just backslide and become a spiritual wreck, rather than
cultivate the experience into a trans-egoic art form. If we are indeed the growing
edge of humanity, then we have a responsibility to secure the metamorphic ground
we have won and not regress out of fear of claiming our divine nature.
The ability to withstand and co-operate with metamorphosis has got to do
with the strength of the protein structures of the body, blood sugar levels, and
quantum tunneling of electrons within the protein structures. If we had a less
catastrophic (slow burn) awakening in a well-resourced body, we would be able to
keep up our neurotransmitter/hormone supply and there would not be this wild
swing of supreme height and plummeting fall. It is vitally important to support the
hormonal, neurotransmitter and immune system to prevent bio-freak out—that is
the hyper-activation of the stress hormones and sympathetic nervous system and
the catastrophic overwhelm of all body systems.
It is very important to realize that even though there is massive free radical
production with the rising of kundalini, and there is cell die-off because of this,
the body uses this recycling mechanism to restructure itself. So the temporary
loss of functions should not be seen as pathological, but should be celebrated as
as a natural part of the Metamorphic process. This “non-pathological stance” is
extremely vital to grasp. This death and resurrection process may seem like an
illness to the conventional mindset, but we must learn to see the Whole of it—the
Die-offs, the loss of cortical function, the pain, the bliss—we must see all of it in
the larger picture of the evolution of humanity as a whole. It may appear like I
am contradicting myself creating a protocol to prevent severe free radical damage,
supporting hormones and neurotransmitters...why not let the body completely
exhaust itself and cannibalize itself...doesn’t that mean greater evolution? No, the
dissolution occurs only in the service of greater order.
We must simultaneously preserve the new order while supporting the old to
fall away; to naturally detoxfy without impinging on the transmutational process
and regeneration. For example I was losing my collagen with the kundalini, but
now I am really working up this collagen strengthening angle, because this is the

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