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key to both anti-aging, bone strength cancer prevention, radiation resistance and
strong immune protection from pandemics. The bottom line is to treat the body
as a “whole,” protect your membranes, build your enzyme and mineral resources,
repair your receptors, keep your blood non acidic and get plenty of raw plant
protoplasm into your system. Then you have the potential to stabilize a higher
“In the back of my mind was always the concept of could you create a product that
was designed for the whole body, for every body system, that was reasonably priced.”
Herbal Tonic Therapies by Daniel B. Mowrey.


Kundalini is an amplification of metabolism so all the normal process of
oxidation, inflammation, glycation and mineral exhaustion are increased, thus
we need a Superfood diet. After 10 years of awakening I realized I had lost the
nutritional reserves necessary to fuel metamorphosis. For an extended period I
noticed that around full moon my arms would get weak, my glut muscles sore and
I would be hit by fatigue. Because the heart was literally pulling amino acids out
of my skeletal muscles in order to feed its expansion. So I decided to start using
smoothies to build up skeletal muscle reserves of glucose, and protein (amino acids

  • arginine and glutamine etc...). Food sources of the amino acid arginine include
    spinach, spirulina, sesame, sunflower, nuts, chocolate (raw cacao), alfalfa, wolfberry,
    and papaya. Food sources of glutamine include cabbage, beets, beef, chicken, fish,
    beans, and dairy products. Since cooking tends to destroy much of the glutamine
    in foods, “raw” spinach and parsley are better food sources. Glutamine is muscle
    building (anabolic); the higher the level of free glutamine inside ones muscle, the
    faster the muscle grows, because water, ions and amino acids enter the cell under
    conditions of high serum glutamine.
    Fruits and vegetables may be a better source of antioxidants than supplements,
    since the antioxidant compounds are bound into tough, fibrous material they
    hang around in the stomach and colon, where they can neutralize free radicals.
    Just because a food with a certain compound in it is beneficial, it does not mean
    a nutraceutical of the same compound is. I tend to be adverse to high tech
    expensive supplementation because it is not a cosmically sustainable approach, it
    breeds narcissism and can inhibit the resourcefulness necessary to plant ones own
    superfoods. Since there are over a thousand known phytochemicals it doesn’t serve
    to get myopically focused on one (such as resveratrol) and break your bank on that,
    when you would be better off creating a berry cocktail, eating raw diet of fruits and
    vegetables and harvesting phytochemically rich foods from the wild. During an
    awakening (and during pregnancy) it is important to add herbs and foods collected
    from the wild to our diet. If you are lucky you can get most of your phytochemical
    superfood needs by harvesting wild foods from nature.
    The term “biophilia” means “love of life or living systems.” It was first coined
    by Erich Fromm to describe the instinctive orientation of being attracted to all that
    is alive and vital.

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