
(nextflipdebug5) #1

The Life Harmonic
All matter and energy, everything in the universe has a signature vibration,
frequency of oscillation or harmonic. Life is an electrodynamic continuum that
feeds on life by incorporating biophilic (life-enhancing) vibrations into itself as
food in order to live, reproduce and evolve. Because raw food represents the highest
biophilic life-energy and the most coherent harmonics, it is obviously more life
giving than food which has had the spark of life taken out of it by cooking, freezing
or otherwise processing. Also food grown by permaculture or biodynamic methods
increases the biophilic potential of the food. Thus the saying “we are what we eat,”
can be expanded upon to reflect the unavoidable fact that our health and indeed
our spiritual realization is a direct product of the biological fecundity of our soil.
The uroboric circle of consequence from soil to soul reveals the degree of spiritual
realization and care attained by individuals or cultures. In this sense you could say
that “we are our soils.” Respecting the pyramid of manifestation and attempting
the maximization of its organic foundations is not an act of reductionism, but is
in fact the pragmatism and sanity of avoiding unnecessary hell, and is the mark of
a truly cosmic spirituality.
When we heat our food beyond a certain temperature this changes the ionic
charge of the molecules so they cannot be conveyed through the ion exchange
system of the cellular membranes. This means that cooked molecules have a
tendency to remain extra-cellular unless they have been re-ionized through enzyme
action or bacterial action in the gut. Thus our own body’s stores of enzymes are
used up in an effort to re-animate the cooked food that we eat. Since the body’s
electrical energy is reliant on ionic electron exchange to establish a current and if
cooked food thwarts the availability of these ions then it is obvious from a physics
stand point that cooked food radically diminishes life force by “depolarization.”
Food molecules find their respective homes in the body by virtue of their
atomic resonance. The “frequency” of the atomic oscillation of a food molecules is
how the body knows to convey this molecule to bone and that molecule to heart
muscle. But once food is cooked its electromagnetic signature is changed so that
the body has no knowledge of what to do with these damaged molecules—they do
not compute with our biopilic cellular intelligence that seeks vital life force in all
things. In a valiant attempt to protect “life” the unnatural molecules are conveyed
to positions of the least immediate interference and are bound in fat and mucus to
protect the body from further damage. This residual waste from cooked food clogs
up our system and acts to reduce the elimination of toxins, even those produced
from normal metabolism. If we consistently eat cooked food our bodies do not
have the energy or enzymes necessary to escort this offending waste completely
out of the body. Thus metabolic chaos occurs as the toxic waste accumulates on
cell membranes reducing cellular exchange and suffocating receptors. It builds up
on vascular walls and on the intestines. Cysts, arthritis, cataracts, arteriosclerosis
and cancer are the accumulation of waste material which the devitalized body has
failed to get rid of. Only living foods contain the frequencies, life-energy, enzymes,
oxygen and nutrients necessary to maintain and regenerate our cells.

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