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Kundalini and Diet

“When the inner nectar travels down to the gastric fire in the solar plexus, it spreads
through all the nerves. This nectar nourishes the body so that it is not necessary to
consume much food.” P.40 Swami Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life.

Serious distress of the GI tract in mid-life occurs from inadequate touch and
loving social attention in childhood. Besides pain in the neurons and muscles
associated with socializing, a biological unhappiness accumulates in the thyroid,
thymus, spleen and liver and this translates into disruption of the entire digestive
system. The vagus (parasympathetic) nerve is a key factor in this connection between
the health of our social communion and the health of our self nurture/nutrition.
Digestive conditions that may become more prominent during the exhaustion
phase are Crohn’s disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut. These
digestive troubles are associated with kundalini for many reasons, but perhaps the
main one is the chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system during the
peak means that the immune system is inhibited allowing invasive pathogens a
chance to establish themselves. Scientists believe that chronic imbalances in the
intestinal flora sets off a chain of events that, in the end, damages the intestinal
mucosa. Many things harm our helpful bacteria (alcohol, sugar, drugs, antibiotics,
etc.) and allow pathogenic bacteria, fungi and parasites to take over. Studies have
shown that even psychological and physical stress may disrupt the normal balance
of intestinal bacteria. Thus friendly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria must be re-
populated if our digestive system is to function properly.
While stress can increase symptoms, stress is not a direct cause of these digestive
disorders. It is thought that these intestine-related problems are caused primarily
by viral or bacterial infection of the intestine that results in the development
of an autoimmune disorder, where the immune system attacks the intestinal
lining and secondarily by candida infestation, which promotes leaky gut. When
inflammation becomes uncontrolled, cytokines released by immune cells in the
intestine attract additional immune cells that produce destructive chemicals
causing further inflammation. The delicate mucosa of the intestinal lining cannot
function properly when inflamed and consequently malabsorption of nutrients
occurs, while simultaneously allowing the absorption of toxins and bacteria
into the bloodstream. Thus people with inflammatory bowel disease often have
malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and infection and parasites.
Those with digestive disorders lack the ability to break down histamine at a
normal rate, and since bakers yeast and some cheeses are high in histamine, bread
and cheese should generally be avoided. Certain foods like dairy, eggs, nuts, fruit,
tomatoes, corn, wheat (or gluten), refined carbohydrates and animal protein/fat
should be avoided to help control flare-ups (although this doesn’t “cure” the
condition). Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee as they cause irritation. Ginger tea
helps relieve both the pain and the condition itself, so you might want to carry
around a mini grater, some ginger root and a cup-strainer.
The epithelial tissue of the gut relies on vitamins A and C for its integrity and
a raw diet high of fruits, sprouts and veggies is high in these vitamins, plus the

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