
(nextflipdebug5) #1

and proactive aggression which would diffuse the traumatic charge and prevent
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with its hypertonality of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems. PTSD whether it be from a traumatic event
or a dysfunctional family of origins leads to inevitable problems with digestion by
causing the ongoing hypertonality of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic
sides of the nervous system...which is a permanent subtle fight-or-flight/freeze.
Ways to remedy this include yoga, meditation, breathing, toning, discharging
the freeze through dance, aerobic exercise, shaking, vocalizing, pushing limbs and
back against walls etc... This will help stabilize blood sugar, stop cravings, lift
depression and reduce pain. But we have to work at it daily in order to reset our
nervous system, and thereby prevent secondary complications like chronic fatigue
syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, diabetes, hyper/hypoglycemia,
obesity-insulin resistance-lack of growth hormone production, fibromyalgia,
cystitis, yeast infection, ADD, sleep disorders, allergies, asthma, psoriasis.
I would say that if you simply cannot endure kundalini, and can’t find the
methods to work-with and work-through the current symptoms, then a more solid
diet is an answer. Providing one is still eating that which is slightly more complex,
but not clogging and toxifying. Sugar will increase adrenaline and cortisol at a
time when these are already high. It will degrade protein strength, compromise the
immune system and increase pathogen growth. avoid sugar at all costs or your
kundalini will burn too hot, leading fragile nerves, emotional weakness, instability,
light headedness, rapid burnout of neurotransmitters and oxidation damage to
tissues, candida, as well as build up of metabolic toxins and fermentation in the
intestines. A sugar-carbohydrate quota of two pieces of fruit a day should be ok
for most people.
According to Stanford University Professor Reaven, best results are attained
with a diet with 40% of fats, 40% low glycemic carbohydrates, and 20% of proteins.
Fiber intake needs to be at least 25 gr. each day, fiber consumption is inversely
correlated to insulin resistance. It is best to split food consumption to several small
meals a day to avoid hypoglycemia and hyperglycemic peaks. Avoid foods with high
glycemic index such as: potatoes, carrots, bananas, grapes, pineapple, watermelon,
melon, refined rice, cookies, honey, jams, refined cereals, sugars and all foods rich
in carbohydrates and poor in fibers. In the cooking process of carbohydrates the
sugars caramelize with the proteins (glycation) and make the food difficult for the
body to work with. You will notice that you can eat higher glycemic foods like
dried fruit with little problem if it is not cooked; however, cook any carbohydrate
and it tends to put the poor body to sleep, mess with clear thinking and generally
create havoc in the bodymind.
constipation—During kundalini we have to be conscious of preserving our
intestinal lining because sympathetic activation can lower immunity and peristalsis
and there is the potential for the intestinal lining to become more porous during
the intense changes going on with metamorphosis. I tend to think colonics damage
the colon, and allow toxins to enter the bloodstream. Instead of a colonic during
the intestinal-contraction phase, or the constipation that sometimes comes with

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