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the heating of the body it is best to just drink more water...around 5 quarts a
day with 3 drops of Himalayan Salt in it. Eat juicy fruits and vegetables, celery,
cucumber and watermelon for the duration of any period of hyper-sympathetic
stimulation especially if you have high blood pressure or pressure in the head.
Massaging the solar plexus, sacrum and belly with 1 teaspoon of caster oil will
help release the intestines. Tap the kidneys/adrenals, spleen, liver and belly with
light rhythmic thumps, or use an electric massage tool. Also go for at least an
hours walk, preferably in nature, (and especially down by a river or the ocean) and
do deep breathing into the solar plexus as you walk...also rebounding, growling,
humming and toning with a focus on the belly will help. Take ¼ tsp magnesium
citrate in a glass of water prior to bed.

enzymes—All the work in the body is done by enzymes and during kundalini
there is a huge increase in work being done in the body than during normal
metabolism. So supplementation with plant-based enzymes is essential during an
awakening to build enzyme reserves, to aid digestion, and to prevent the toxicity
and inflammation that leads to leaky gut. To help digestion and help prevent wear
and tear on the digestive tract you can put Papain (papaya) and/or Bromelain
(pineapple) enzyme powder in a saltshaker and sprinkle this on your meals. These
powders can be bought inexpensively by the pound from
If you continue to eat meat and complex cooked meals during an awakening
you might need to supplement with extra enzymes, to make sure your system has
enough enzymes for adequate digestion and cancer prevention. Proteolytic enzymes
(or proteases) refer to the various enzymes that digest, that is break down protein
into smaller units. These enzymes include the pancreatic proteases chymotrypsin,
pepsin and trypsin. Pepsin is a digestive protease enzyme released by the chief cells
in the stomach that work to degrade food proteins into peptides. The enzyme
Pepsin needs a strong acidic environment such as stomach acid (pH of 3) in order
to breakdown protein. Fruit acids can break down pepsin, so you shouldn’t mix
fruit and proteins together, for that reason. Peptides may be further digested by
other proteases (in the duodenum) and eventually absorbed by the body. Pepsin
is stored as pepsinogen and is only released when needed; it does not digest the
body’s own proteins in the stomach’s lining. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid
converts pepsinogen to pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down protein. As people age,
hydrochloric acid secretion may be reduced, resulting in decreased levels of pepsin,
which impairs digestion. Betaine hydrochloride can be used as a supplemental
source of hydrochloric acid, which is utilized by the stomach to produce pepsin.
Aloe gel inhibits the activity of pepsin until in the presence of protein, apparently
this is helpful to avoid ulcers. For improved digestion mix bromelain (pineapple
enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme) powders together and put in a saltshaker to
sprinkle on your meals. Bitter herbs also aid in bile flow and our diet is normally
lacking in these bitter plants.

Read Mark Rojeks excellent articles:
Food Enzymes for Health Longevity, Dr. Edward Howell

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