
(nextflipdebug5) #1

is said that Nirodha is a precursor to Ego Death. nigredo in Western alchemy is
the death-like withdrawal of the soul from the body.
tingles are felt especially on the left side of the body from the base of the
foot up, and bubbles like champagne in the pelvis. Tingles and bubbles are always
associated with increased kundalini flow, heat and bliss, so this phenomena
is probably an effect of the nervous system and opiate receptors. There is some
indication that the tingly feeling of kundalini maybe associated with an increased
amount of nitric oxide generated by Nitric Oxide Synthetize nerves.
The left-brain freeze was one of the first radical symptoms to arise at the
beginning of my July’2000 awakening. This symptom includes a pressure-clamp
and numbness covering the left side of the scalp that extends down the forehead
and into the eye socket. This numbness started peaking 3 days “before” I met my
initiator, so my body-soul already knew exactly when the meeting was to happen.
Or rather the alchemy was occurring despite the temporal and geographical distance
between us. And my condition proceeded in direct response to when we would
meet and be in each others presence, though my conscious mind had no idea
we would meet at all. For me the left-brain freeze continued in varying intensity
throughout the 3 years that kundalini was highly active, though it was most severe
during the 6 month apex. Since this neuroinhibiting clamp only occurs on the
left side of the brain, this is another factor leading to the conclusion that the over
excitation of nerves by kundalini energy mostly occurs in the left hemisphere and
left side of the body. Although why this is I do not know.
I assumed that this numbing clamp was due to the neuroinhibitors GABA,
Glycine and endorphins. In the google video by Robert Sapolsky “Stress,
neurodegeneration and Individual Differences,” he said the neuronal defenses against
over excitation by glutamate include substances such as adenosine, GABA and
taurine. The neuroinhibitor adenosine plays an important role in biochemical
processes, such as energy transfer—as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and (ADP);
as well as in signal transduction as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
Caffeine’s stimulatory effects are primarily (although not entirely) credited to
its inhibition of adenosine by binding to the same receptors. This reduction in
adenosine activity leads to increased activity of the stimulatory neurotransmitter
dopamine. Adenosine also acts as a vasodilator of the arteries through the relaxation
of smooth muscle, thus might be a factor in both the heart expansions and the
red eyelid effect. By blocking adenosine receptors caffeine on the other hand is a
vasoconstrictor; 250 milligrams of caffeine can decrease central blood flow by 20-
30%. With the information currently available we can assume that the left-brain
freeze is caused by both vasodilation and neuroinhibition.
With the left-brain freeze one can see that the left eyelid is droopy, the pupil
is dilated and a strange new consciousness is apparent in the eye itself. During
sun meditation as I looked at the sun I found my left eyelid was lit red from the
increased blood supply due to dilated blood vessels. (Eyelids are closed during
sun meditation, as it is not good to actually “look” at the sun.) Understanding
the experience of the red eyelid capped off my entire investigation, for once I

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