
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and like the other non-grains
    buckwheat and amaranth, is not missing the amino acid lysine, so the protein
    is more complete. Quinoa offers more iron than other grains and contains
    high levels of potassium and riboflavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6,
    niacin, and thiamin. It is also a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and
    manganese, and has some folate (folic acid).

  • Prepare proteins in ways that makes them easier to digest such as fermenting,
    marinating, slow/light cooking, steaming and poaching as opposed to frying.

  • 65%-75% of the Pro-Vita system is vegetables, yet it is crucial to focus on
    the proper administration of protein as the difference between sickness and

  • Vegetables assist with protein digestion/assimilation/elimination. They add
    enzyme-rich bulk to buffer the concentrated acid-producing proteins. Act
    as an intestinal broom and prevent putrefaction. At least 65% of vegetables
    should be raw to conserve enzymes.

  • For proper cellular metabolism we require the correct fuel, correct pH, the
    correct oxidation rate and the clean removal of metabolic wastes.

  • Excessive amounts of animal or vegetable protein are destructive to the body,
    affect pH and ultimately lead to disease.

  • Protein toxicity occurs from eating unbalanced, heavy proteins, at the wrong
    time, with the wrong combinations of food and with low lymph movement
    from lack of exercise.

  • Dietary stress weakens the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibits the liver’s
    function, clogs the lymphatic system, taxes the kidneys and damages the heart
    and brain.

  • pH is perhaps the most important biological factor, because all process in the
    body are pH specific. pH deviations mean we may not get nutrition from
    food due to dormant enzymes that need a certain pH in which to work.

  • At 7.46 pH the blood is able to transport the most amount of oxygen and
    carry off the most amount of metabolic wastes. pH governs the oxygen supply
    to determine the rate of metabolism.

  • Insulin functions best at a certain pH range 7.79-8.02. Insulin controls how
    much glucose enters the cells and thus regulates the fuel supply and metabolic

  • Essential fatty acids, active in metabolism and protein building, are derived
    mostly from seeds and nuts. Expeller pressed flaxseed oil like Barlean’s is also
    added to the diet around 2 Tbs per day.

Those undergoing a radical awakening may need two other books by Jack Tips also:
The Next Step To Greater Energy—A Unique Perspective on Bioenergy, Addictions
and Transformation. Your Liver—Your Lifeline! PassionPlay, Manifest your dreams
with the 7-minute mirror technique —this is the very best manifestation book out

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