
(nextflipdebug5) #1



Everything in the universe runs in cycles, for it is a polar universe, so everything
spins in spirals from pole to pole. Kundalini follows the cosmic cycles of the seasons
and gravitational tide of sun and moon, and is influenced by the sunspot cycle and
weather. And yet even though it is cyclic, if the awakening is a permanent rising
of life energy, the blissful heat of kundalini will stay with us for life. Especially if
you are a raw-foodist and generally look after your health - the fire of life will be
a constant companion. It rises up occasionally to greater intensity as the Muse
impresses us with in-spiration, then it slowly backs down allowing us time to rest
and recuperate. Inspiration, expiration is the breathing of consciousness as it unfolds
into temporal existence. Its part of the humor of the Tao that excess endorphins
leads to depression and anhedonia. Eventually, however, the chemistry will clear
itself if you are aware of the cyclic nature of the metabolic process and don’t get
depressed about being depressed. Part of the down cycle of extreme ecstasy is to
feel pain and discomfort in the body. During the down cycles you might find pain
relief with willow bark and meadowsweet if you still have pain.
Alkalinize, remineralize, oxygenate, exercise, water, sunlight, negative ion
sources-natural moving water, ocean water, bright green-red–orange natural raw
foods...these will reduce pain. Your pain is not just due to your injures and insults,
but also dehydration, diet and the slow depletion of energy (enzymes) and resources
(minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters) in dealing with your life-conditions. For
an experiment try to cut all grains and sugar from the diet, and only have about 1
cup of sweet fruit or sweet vegetables (corn, carrot, beets) per day. If you do this
along with radically increasing your raw greens intake your pain levels will drop
within days.
Sugar makes the nerves more sensitive to pain and dismantles protein structures
in the body; it also encourages yeast which produces toxins that increase pain. You
will find pain and depression will lift by dropping the majority of carbohydrates
from your diet. Grains are for the birds not for apes like us humans, they should
only be used for occasional use like once or twice a month at that. Also try to
use easily digestible dairy such as yogurt and feta so you don’t deplete the body’s
enzyme supply.
Calcium is the major mineral for pain and damage control in the body
and it is especially necessary during the catabolic breakdown of tissues during
metamorphosis. Save your egg shells, grind them and put the powder in your
potting mix for growing sprouts. I eat mostly green buckwheat sprouts and wheat
grass for juice, other sprouts don’t interest me much. An increase in calcium/
magnesium in the blood will reduce pain...Silicon also reduces pain by improving
connective tissue strength, repairing the lining of the GI tract and improving the
insulating layer of the nerves. Silicon is transmuted into calcium in the body,
silicon rich herbs are: Nettle, Oat straw, Horsetail, Eyebright, Cornsilk, Comfrey,
Lemon grass, Ginger.
In my experience Olive Leaf helps to build cell membranes and the myelin
sheath of nerves protecting against inflammation (free radicals) and so reduces

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