
(nextflipdebug5) #1

pain and the raw-nerve exposure feeling of the body. Try to grow olive trees
wherever you go, dry the leaves, grind, sift and put into capsules. Ginkgo, Gotu
kola, Ginseng, Echinacea and Golden seal should also be grown.
Milk thistle will help the liver to detoxify, once the liver is healed this helps all
tissues to reinstate their integrity. A happy liver is a pain free body. By boosting
both zinc and selenium this will increase free radical (antioxidant) protection
thereby reduce pain. By aiding the adrenal glands licorice will also reduce pain,
as will Gingko by improving circulation and oxygen supply. White willow (Salix
Alba) is the original source of aspirin. The bark of white willow has a longer half-
life in the body than aspirin does and doesn’t create heartburn or stomach ulcers.
Willow Bark, Meadowsweet and Feverfew is a common mixture used by arthritis
suffers. Get some pure real rosemary oil and rub into your neck, shoulders, spine,
feet and calves. Grow rosemary and capsulate it also, and use it as a tea or in food,
it’s a major antioxidant and nerve protector.
Papaya/banana smoothies also reduce pain in my experience, perhaps due to
Beta Carotene and enzymatic energy lift. I have a feeling that papaya leaf/seeds will
also reduce pain. The papain enzyme found in papaya can readily digest protein
in either and acid, alkaline or neutral medium. Both fat, carbohydrate and protein
digestion is helped by papaya. Papain is also a powerful mucus solvent that helps
to cleanse the intestinal walls and tissues of waste matter. Papain has the ability
to breakdown proteins and converts some of it into Arginine which increases
Growth Hormone Release. Plant enzymes powders of papain and bromelain can
be bought n bulk from to sprinkle over meals and add to smoothies
etc...they are good to take with any food or supplement to improve digestion and
Anything GREEN reduces pain by increasing oxygen and by alkalinizing,
remineralizing and detoxifying. Raw cabbage reduces pain very effectively by
helping the liver, it can be added to daily vegetable juice intake. Anything that
buffers and alkalinizes acids/toxins/free radicals will reduce pain. The ionic effect of
clay does this, either taken internally or as a clay mask, body-pack, or bath. Baths
made from a tea of ginger root, peppermint (is cooling and boosts energy), catnip,
chamomile, borage, comfrey, basil etc....will reduce pain. Also 1 Tablespoon of
Caster oil added to the bath helps the body to gently detoxify and leads to a feeling
of expansion. Mineral salts from thermal areas or Himalayan salt added to the bath
will also reduce pain and provide energy. Epsom salts and Baking Soda, 1 cup of
each in a bath will rapidly relieve pain.

Happiness and Painkiller tea: White Willow Bark, Peppermint, Catnip, Lemon
balm, Plantain, Magnolia bark, Meadowsweet, Nettle, Horsetail, Peppermint,
Tulsi (Indian basil), Ashitaba, Passionflower, California poppy.

otHer HerBs For Pain: Aloe extract, Gentian, Bitter melon, Nutmeg, Saw-
wort, Grapeseed, Bamboo sap, Codonopsis, Saffron, Clove, Pomegranate, Juniper,
Kava Kava, Sheep’s Sorrel, Olive Leaf, Valerian root, Wild Yam, Garlic, Lemon
balm, Catnip, Chaparral, Chamomile, Yucca root, Borage, California poppy,

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