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Mullen, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, White Oak Bark, Licorice, Peppermint.
Cardamom, Dong quai and Angelica have warming, blood and chi moving
properties. Chi made with Pau d’Arco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom and clove
chi is good for arthritis type pains, giving a warming grounding feeling. Feverfew
might be useful to counter the effect of excessive opiate production, dizziness,
brain and nerve pressure from an overactive nervous system. It is bitter so needs to
be capsulated. Meadowsweet normalizes acid levels in the stomach.

sPiceY DiGestiVe tea

This is an incredible tea to help all those with nausea, pain, digestive, coldness
or circulation conditions and kundalini. If you want orange peel you might have
to make and dry your own. You can also grind this tea fine and chug a teaspoon of
the powder in a shot glass of apple juice to help reduce GI pain and inflammation,
increase digestive fire and prevent nausea and dizziness.

Bulk Recipe for Digestive Tea:
6 oz Dried Ginger Root
4 oz Slippery Elm
4 oz Flax Seed
2 oz Cinnamon
4 oz Rose Hips
2 oz Chamomile
1 oz Clove
1 oz Cardamom
Optional: Small amount of dried orange peel.

Grind any of these that are not already powder in a coffee grinder and combine
the powders. Note that herbs and spices are more potent if you buy them as cut
or seed and grind them yourself. Keep in a jar in the fridge. In a saucepan heat
water and 1 tsp of tea mixture per serving at a low temperature for 15-30 minutes.
Then add apple juice to taste and heat to drinking temperature. You can use the
mixture twice, making a less strong tea the second time so just add less liquid.
This tea in combination with taking a papaya enzyme tablet with every meal and
bentonite clay in the evening will greatly reduce weakness and nausea derived from
disrupted digestion/elimination. Good for pregnancy morning sickness also. If you
are kundalini active you might want to keep your apple juice intake to a bare
minimum due to the sugar...I got a debilitating left-brain spazz going the day after
I took 6 oz of apple juice in this tea. Raw apples do not give this effect, it is just
the fact that the apple juice is cooked...hence the sugar is pasteurized or altered
from its natural state. Rawfoodists and kundi-actives can get around this by adding
some “raw, fresh apple juice” to the already made tea to sweeten it if desired.

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