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cane molasses, then pasteurized and dehydrated. Thus it is not exactly “raw” nor
fresh and may be a neurotoxin and kidney irritant. If you take nutritional yeast be
observant as to its effects. You can get a B vitamin boost via the use of freshly made
cereal-ear sun tea.

maKinG tHe smootHie

To make a smoothie start out with a handful of sprouted buckwheat seeds and
your soaked protein seed-nut mix in the blender with a small amount of chilled
water. Other liquids you can use are buckwheat goop (made in a colander system
in the fridge), herb tea, banana stem juice or coconut water—but make sure they
are cold as warm smoothies are not as appetizing. Then add more liquid and fruit
such as Goji berries (wolfberries), banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, orange, fresh
orange zest and berries. Leave the skins on mango, the white rind on oranges, but
remove the skin from papaya. Then add about ¼ cup of your “Smoothie Base Mix”
and blend. Acai berry can be purchased in the frozen berry section at Wild Oats
or Wholefoods. It tastes a little like fatty unsweetened chocolate, and presents the
ultimate final note to a superfood smoothie...however you do have to make sure
the other fruit you use, such as banana and orange, have a high sugar content.
If you need extra sweetener use Yacon root syrup and pour into a large glass
and suck slowly through a straw. Yacon root syrup is an alternative glucose free
sweetener and prebiotic with few calories, it has a unique fructooligosacaride (FOS)
carbohydrate composition. Like mesquite, the sweetness in yacon root comes from
fructose, which the body can process without insulin, thereby stabilizing blood
sugar level. You want to make sure you are not taking in excessive additional sugar
and carbohydrates in your diet when you do the smoothies, because they are so
readily available to the body.
Avoid candida by stopping any processed sugar or cooked carbohydrates;
make raw fruit your only sugar and no more than 3 pieces a day. During the peak
especially we have to stay away from sugar, aspartame and cooked carbohydrates
to prevent immune suppression and excitotoxic nerve damage. Thus even fruit
should be used in moderation to avoid candida and over excitation of the nervous
system by excess glutamate. But usually we can easily handle one large smoothie
a day...with say one orange, one banana and 1 tbsp of wolfberries as the sugar
Adding apple pectin powder to your smoothie will slow down the sugar
uptake, thus pectin has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels, and has an
anti-inflammatory effect in the bowel. Another attribute of pectin is its ability
to decrease the body’s fat absorption, thus lowering cholesterol levels; enhances
cell uniformity, reducing the occurrence of malignancy. Because it contains large
amounts of silicon it helps to return synovial and other connective tissue to their
previously smooth, elastic, lubricated condition. However if you like to drink
more than one large smoothie a day, you need to add “less” pectin powder, because
it swells in the intestines like nothing else.

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