
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Supplements For Awakening

Extreme chemistry requires extreme adaptation

In this book I have listed many different substances one can use to prepare
for, cope with and reduce the blowback effects of kundalini. Our modern Western
bodies are not built for the intensity and free radical fire of amplified nerve energy.
A cooked diet tends to create an oxidation and inflammation prone body, which
in turn increases mutation rates and reduces the resources necessary to repair
DNA.. I emphasize that the supplement ideas in this book are not to stimulate
kundalini, but to enable the bodymind to rise to the challenge of the incredible
metabolic changes and energies to promote successful transmutation. With the use
of supplements and superfoods we can boost the homeostatic coping capacity to
“meet” the radical chemistry of kundalini. Any meta-adaptation protocol focus on
detoxifying, deepening the integrity of one’s health and building internal resources,
without further adding to the metabolic burden. Supporting the chemistry of
each particular kundalini phase, plus protection from metabolites and their quick
conversion and elimination from the body via the liver etc...There is no point in
allowing the organism to go into super-drive if the cells do not have deep integrity,
for this just leads to damage and depletion.
It is important to go-with the Tao of the wave and to avoid excessive stimulation
during both the up-cycle and the down-cycle. I don’t think it advisable to try to
suppress the hills with depressants, nor to try to prop up the valleys with stimulants,
but to support the chemistry in whatever its current cycle. Kundalini nutrition
must aim to work-with the Tao to magnify our resilience, to build reserves and
increase our homeostatic coping ability, all the while trusting that the body will
find its own way through the storm. Surrendering all that is unhealthy into the
In a perfect world we would not have to resort to supplements in order to
maintain balance. But because we do not live in a perfect world I believe that
everyone experiencing active kundalini, even Gurus, need protection against
free radicals and nutritional nerve support. We are less likely to unbalance our
system if we use “once living” and whole-life supplements like kelp, spirulina
and herbs. Thus I think it important to balance manufactured supplements with
more “natural” herbs, superfoods and green foods. Whatever we do with food and
supplements during awakening, we must aim to put as little stress on the organs
and tissues as possible and to establish a super-nutrition program from multiple
sources. So unless you are going to focus on growing remineralized foods in an
intensive permaculture lifestyle, you will need to use supplements during the high
metabolic demands of kundalini, otherwise you will have to eat such bulk of food
that it will overwork your digestive system and cause extra free radicals. Also you
will be using up vital enzymes and energy in digestion that would otherwise be
spent on metamorphic transformation itself.
You need some nutrients to absorb others, and an excess of one nutrient can
inhibit the absorption and metabolism of another. So taking large amounts of a

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