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single vitamin or mineral can throw us out of balance. To avoid this it is best to base
our nutritional program a good multivitamin and mineral. If you are not already
making a multimineral you might consider taking one for the minerals like zinc
and selenium necessary to protect tissues during these high-pressure times. Zinc
is involved in over 200 brain enzyme interactions. Other ways of remineralizing
include adding ionic minerals (sea solids) into our drinking water and kelp
powder. Some minerals are more easily absorbed when chelated to an amino acids.
A high performance bodybuilding multivitamin may be suitable considering that
kundalini awakenings demand the type of extra nutrition perhaps of a professional
athlete or body builder. says that Universal Animal Pak is
the number one best selling supplement program for body builders. Don’t just take
“extra” of a cheaper multi-formula or you may overdo certain elements. Make sure
you don’t overdo the RDA, for example Zinc would be 12 mg for females, 15 mg
for males, and a maximum of 200 mcg selenium per day. A safe dose of Calcium
is about 1 gm a day.

taYlorinG sUPPlements to metamorPHosis

To make your own protocol select only those that seem right for you according
to your stage and symptoms. The hotter your kundalini is, the more antioxidants
you will need to take. To create more specialized neurological formulas for kundalini
awakenings, research will have to be done. Different stages of metamorphosis require
slight changes, and each type of awakening requires a different protocol, not to
mention individual differences in physiology. You don’t need to go overboard and
include a multitude of substances in your kundalini adaptation program. Even
if you only use kelp, ginseng, gotu kola, olive leaf, echinacea and ginkgo, these
few herbs will greatly ease and facilitate the alchemy. Whatever you do, always
look back to basics of green juices, kelp, spirulina, fish oil and wheatgrass as the
foundation to whatever other supplementation you might like to add.
The Five Formulas for Kundalini are only a preliminary set of formulas I
devised for myself, which others will improve upon with research. I can suggest a
broad outline for how these formulas maybe used during a kundalini awakening.
For a “full-on” awakening I recommend a protocol that covers the essential areas to
facilitate higher homeostasis: remineralization, antioxidants, collagen protection,
conjugation of toxins and metabolites, adaptogenic support and nervous system
The Calm Formula #1 is taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning
to support the neurotransmitters, taken with ½ tsp of the Antioxidant Formula #2.
In fact you can just divide the antioxidant formula in half and put half in with the
Calm #1 and half in with the Nootropic #3. Take the Nootropics at a convenient
time for you in the morning, but not later in the day or it might keep you awake.
Nutritional Herbal Formula #4 is largely of adaptogenic herbs and supplements
that are too bitter to be taken uncapsulated. Cleansing Formula #5 is support,
buffering and mildly cleansing herbs to betaken in the evening. Note there is some
repetition due to the fact that the formulas are built to stand on their own; you
may want to eliminate the repetitions in your own program.

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